We encourage you to actively participate in all aspects of the SnusOn community and have fun! However, as with any online community, there are some Terms of Usage that we need you to read and follow:
Forum Terms of Usage:
You must be of legal age to use tobacco to register a forum account.
Forum Life
Realize that we take great pride in SnusOn being a work-friendly, internet oasis for gentlemanly behavior. This means that profanity, inflammatory comments regarding politics and/or religion, personal attacks, pornographic images, discussions of illegal or illicit activity, or any other unmannerly behavior as deemed inappropriate by the Administrators/Moderators, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Offenders should expect to be dealt with swiftly. Simply put: a good way to gauge forum appropriate conduct is this- if it's likely to be offensive, or if you wouldn't say it to someone in person, it doesn't belong here.
Moderator and Administrators
The Moderators and Administrators of this site have been entrusted by ownership with the day in and day out running of the site. Therefore it is the expectation of the ownership that members comply with the requests of the moderators and be respectful. At the end of the day, Snuson is our site too and we are members here as well. We don’t interfere unless it’s absolutely necessary. We will gladly discuss with you any requests we make. However, we ask that any such discussion be done through private messaging in order to prevent personal matters from cluttering up the public forum. In short, this means that the moderators and administrators of this site, as well as the decisions they make are to be respected. Any disagreements or discussions are to be conducted in a respectful, courteous, and productive manner.
Member Relations
Sunson is a great community. It is more than just an information site. It is a place where friends gather to talk about snus and all manner of other things. It is our commitment to maintain the warm, welcoming, atmosphere that defines our site. Therefore, we ask that each member conduct him or herself with civility and politeness towards others. If you are having an issue with an individual, contact them via Private Messaging. Do not try to solve your conflict in a public thread. If you need moderator assistance in resolving the conflict, simply ask. We will be glad to assist (you can contact the moderators (via private message) or use the "Contact Us" form found at the bottom of each page). However, in no instance should members use the public threads of this site to air their personal grievances or to bash other members. You can disagree with another person yet without being disrespectful or rude online. Play nice.
When contacting a moderator for assistance in any matter, please allow time for the moderators to respond. Remember, they have real life jobs and families outside of Snuson.
Finally, there will be certain people in any area of life with whom you just do not like. If there is someone here that rubs you the wrong way and you cannot get along with them no matter how hard you try, there is a feature on the site that gives you the ability to ignore (hide from view) specific users. Therefore, if all else fails, ignore a member that you feel you must. But do so in productive manner. In other words, ignoring someone to avoid conflict and then posting on the public threads that you are doing so is counterproductive and only leads to conflict.
The chat box is a members’ only section of the forum. It is a place where friends can let their hair down out of the public eye of the forum. If you are a new member of the site, there is a short time period to allow you to get the feel of the community and what Snuson is all about. After this time of introduction, participation in the chatbox will be extended to you.
That said, while the chatbox is a more relaxed environment certain expectations still apply.
• Respect for Moderators, Administrators, and other Members is required at every level of Snuson (the chatbox included).
• Inflammatory and hurtful speech will not be tolerated.
• Belligerence and personal attacks are never OK in real life or in any aspect of our forum life.
• While the chatbox is more adult in its language and content, egregious materials (posts or pictures) will not be allowed.
Before taking part in the chatbox, each member will be asked to indicate that they have read and agree to the following disclaimer:
The discussions in the chat box do not reflect the views of Snuson.com and may not always be suitable for work. Enjoy Snuson chat at your discretion.
Snuson is a great place and let's keep it that way. If you are related to the snus industry, you are very welcome to join the discussion, but please respect us so that we can respect you.
We are very interested in hearing about e.g. manufacturers news, product launches & law related information and also really appreciate snus e-vendors coming on to the forum to answer our members' order questions/concerns.
However, please do not spam, do not try to do any kind of fake web shop boosting/advertising or do not advertise your business in a disrespectful way.
In closing let us be the first to welcome you to this great online community. We are glad you are here and will do our best to make you feel welcome. If you have any questions or if there is any way we may be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to ask a member or a mode. Until then, kick off your shoes and make yourself at home.
Revised: 3rd Feb, 2019.