It feels and tastes the same way, and the effect of the nicotine is also the same. The difference lies in the way the tobacco leaves are prepared, while snus is traditionally made from ground tobacco, Nordic Chew is cut which makes the tobacco pieces a little bit larger.
How do I use Nordic Chew?
The most common way to use Nordic Chew is to place it under your upper lip and leave it be for as long as you like – from a couple of minutes up to several hours (as you first start using Nordic Chew you might want to leave it in for a shorter amount of time). Nordic Chew comes in two forms; chewing bags and loose chew. Chewing bags comes in pre made pouches (portions) of various sizes, while you yourself form portions of the loose chew. Nordic Chew does not only come in different sizes, but also strengths and flavors.
Portion Nordic Chew (Chewing Bags)
Loose chew is great, but it is indeed wonderful to just open up a can and get started at once. The chew that comes prepackaged in portions, called Chewing Bags, comes in either white portions or brown original ones. The moistened original portions provide a quicker and more intense release of flavor and strength, while the white ones are dry on the surface with a moist content, which results in a long-lasting release of strength and flavor.. You will simply have to explore to find out which kind of Chewing Bag is for you!
If you after a while wish for a quicker release of flavor and strength, the Chewing Bags can be lightly chewed upon, but if you simply keep it under your lip as with snus there will be a continuous steady release of nicotine.
Loose chew for dummies!
The loose chew is more of a paste than regular loose snus, which actually makes it ideal for beginners to loose since it is easy to mold into a nice prilla, and it also sticks together for a longer time. This is how you make a "prilla":
- Decide on how much chew you want in your portion.
- Form it into a cylinder or a sphere with your fingertips. This is called a pris, a pinch of chew or a prilla (Swedish slang).
- Place it under your upper lip.
- Enjoy!
If you’re having trouble with your prismaking – Icetool and Prismaster may be the solution for you!