Snus Expiration Dates


  • Snus Expiration Dates

    Click image for larger version  Name:	image_2808.jpg Views:	127 Size:	8.1 KB ID:	638258 The dates on Swedish snus cans are indicated in the European date format, which is dd mm yyyy or yyyy mm dd.

    The European date format applies to all products except for the General variations Wintergreen, Mint, DryMint Mini, Classic Blend and Nordic Mint.

    19 03 2014 = March 19th, 2014 20140406 = April 6th, 2014
    040714 = July 4th, 2014
    070114 = January 7th, 2014

    Specifications vary depending on manufacturer, e. g.:

    Swedish Match

    The production date ("TILLV.") is indicated first, followed by the best-before date ("BäST FöRE"). The dates are written in the format dd-mm-yyyy. Please observe exceptions as stated above, which only bear the best-before date ("BEST BEFORE")
    imprinted on the cans: mm-dd-yyyy.


    The best-before date ("Bäst före") is indicated first, followed by the production date ("Tillv.dag") in the following format: dd-mm-yyyy.


    The production date ("TV") is indicated first, followed by the best-before date ("BF") in the following format: dd-mm-yyyy.

    V2 Tobacco

    The production date ("Tillverkning") is indicated first, followed by the best-before date ("Bäst före") in the following format: dd-mm-yyyy.
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