The European date format applies to all products except for the General variations Wintergreen, Mint, DryMint Mini, Classic Blend and Nordic Mint.
19 03 2014 = March 19th, 2014 20140406 = April 6th, 2014
040714 = July 4th, 2014
070114 = January 7th, 2014
Specifications vary depending on manufacturer, e. g.:
Swedish Match
The production date ("TILLV.") is indicated first, followed by the best-before date ("BäST FöRE"). The dates are written in the format dd-mm-yyyy. Please observe exceptions as stated above, which only bear the best-before date ("BEST BEFORE")
imprinted on the cans: mm-dd-yyyy.
The best-before date ("Bäst före") is indicated first, followed by the production date ("Tillv.dag") in the following format: dd-mm-yyyy.
The production date ("TV") is indicated first, followed by the best-before date ("BF") in the following format: dd-mm-yyyy.
V2 Tobacco
The production date ("Tillverkning") is indicated first, followed by the best-before date ("Bäst före") in the following format: dd-mm-yyyy.