Skruf Slim Nordic White Xtra Strong Portion


  • Skruf Slim Nordic White Xtra Strong Portion

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Name:	image_2833.png
Views:	914
Size:	20.1 KB
ID:	638052 Here we have an exclusive snus sold in selected stores only.

    Skruf Slim Nordic Xtra Stark White Portion is an extra strong version of Skruf Slim Nordic White Portion, a perfect alternative for those who prefer snus that really delivers an energetic and uplifting nicotine-kick.

    The white slim portions are designed to minimize drip and provide a comfortable and discreet fit under the lip.

    This snus offers a long-lasting and quick release of Skruf’s well renowned tobacco blend together with clear hints of licorice.

    to purchase Skruf Slim Nordic White Xtra Strong Portion from
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