V2 Tobacco


  • V2 Tobacco

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ID:	638251 A genuine interest in snus is what led the brothers Marc and Patrick Vogel to launch V2 Tobacco in 2006. Production began on a small scale, but increased as a result of demand until the brothers outgrew their factory.

    Today, Scandinavia's most modern snus factory is ready and equipped for the future. Our business concept is simple: We manufacture portion and loose snus of the highest quality at the lowest possible price. Our snus is characterised by a well-proportioned basic flavour where full body and bite combine to create sweet harmony.

    Do you like extra strong snus? Then Thunder is a snus for you! In 2009, Thunder was introduced at BuySnus.com and was the strongest snus available at that time. Today, Thunder still is one of the strongest snus brands in Scandinavia and is popular all around the world. Thunder's great popularity however isn't just due to the high nicotine content, but to its large variety of flavors, sizes and shapes, too.

    If you ever wondered how Thunder could be so strong without any pharmaceutical nicotine or other undesirable additives, the secret lies in its larger amounts of tobacco leaves per gram of snus. This method is more expensive, but as the Danish manufacturer V2 Tobacco says: "This costs us more but results in a hearty, great tasting snus loaded with natural nicotine."

    Thunder is the snus brand for all those who expect more from their snus - a long lasting taste and extra strength!

    When was the last time you watched a really good thriller? A movie that takes place in either a haunted mansion, a lonely cabin in the woods or a graveyard at night. A movie that induces goosebumps, raises the hair on your neck and gets your adrenaline pumping. Remember that feeling? The excitement and the exhilarating rush that comes with it? Introducing Chainsaw, a brand that has managed to capture that thrilling experience inside a white portion snus. Chainsaw Cold White Dry, with its refreshing taste of mint and high nicotine content of 22 mg/g is a snus that delivers an energetic kick, just like the sound and feeling of a revving chainsaw.

    Chainsaw was originally only avalaible as a Swedish Chew, but not anymore. The Danish based manufacturer V2 Tobacco took the concept found in their chew and applied it to their new snus. A concept they call crude and simultaneus. Chainsaw delivers its raw power more or less instantaneously. Expect nothing less than the same quality and strenght that can be found in V2 Tobacco’s famous Thunder snus.

    Prepare yourself for an energetic experience that will get you reved up!

    Offroad is a snus produced by V2 Tobacco and is known for their flavoring. Offroad is a value priced snus, and you get lots of quality for your money! Offroad comes in original, mint and licorice flavours.

    Phantom is another popular low-priced snus made by V2 Tobacco available in Classic white portion available in Classic white portion.

    V2 also produce many Swedish Chew versions of their Thunder brands including Thunder Original and Thunder Frosted.
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