Fiedler and Lundgren


  • Fiedler and Lundgren

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ID:	638243Fiedler & Lundgren is a long established tobacco company located in Skåne, in the south of Sweden. Fiedler & Lundgren was founded as early as 1835 and was a significant snus manufacturer in Gothenbourg until 1915, when the tobacco monopoly was enforced by the Swedish government. Fiedler & Lundgren then decided to move its business to neighbouring country Denmark. In 2002 the company returned to Sweden with the goal of offering innovative high quality snus products to the snus consumers, and today we can see the result - a wide range of products that have been received very well.

    Granit snus is a result of fresh thinking and that applies to both content, flavor and packaging. Granit is made by quality tobacco, and only the best tobacco leaves are used in the process. The flavor of the snus is dominated by a robust tobacco character. Granit comes as loose snus or in white or original portions. In the white portions, the moisture is kept within the portion to provide a longlasting snus experience with low drip. The brown portions are moistened on the surface for a faster release of flavor and nicotine. The maxed portions are of an extra large size to fill out the lip a little bit extra.

    Mocca is a mini snus series. Discreet small portions in sleek cans available in mint and licorice flavours, this is a snus for the connaisseur!

    Lundgren's, one of the popular brands by Fiedler & Lundgren, combines the knowledge of how to produce a traditional snus with a fresh way of thinking - resulting in a modern snus experience! In their modern factory in Malmö, in the southern part of Sweden, Lundgren's is produced with organic tobacco leaves grown in Skåne, in the southernmost part of Sweden. Lundgren's portions have small holes in the paper used for the portion bags. This is to make sure that the flavorful tobacco gets more accessible, that the release of flavor and strength is faster and the snusexperience is all in all more intense. Lundgren's cans also have flexlids which are expanding lid compartments for used portions, very practical!
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