Mörkbrunt Lös Snus


  • Mörkbrunt Lös Snus

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Views:	317
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ID:	638254
    Now available Swedish Match have re-launched Mörkbrunt Lös Snus.

    20 years ago Swedish Match stopped producing Mörkbrunt Snus but it has been re-launched as the first in a series of historical brands during 2018-2019.

    Mörkbrunt Snus has a long history dating back to the 1900s.

    Swedish Match remember Mörkbrunt Snus as having a dark tobacco character with clear smoke tones as well as elements of dried fruit and leather. Also that the technique used to produce the snus varied over the years affecting it's properties but that their experienced product developers have done their best to re-create the original as much as possible.

    to purchase Mörkbrunt Lös Snus from BuySnus.com.
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