G.4 Blush Slim All White Portion


  • G.4 Blush Slim All White Portion

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Name:	image_2797.png
Views:	354
Size:	11.1 KB
ID:	638252G.4 BLUSH takes the G.4 family to new heights with a taste of ginger and blood orange.

    It comes in an all-white portion format that provides optimal fit under the lip while delivering the same nicotine experience as traditional snus.

    Bright and spicy character in character with clear elements of ginger and blood orange as well as hints of bitter oranges and carrot.

    An elongated, all-white portion snus with an optimized fit that is dry on the surface with moist content for low drip and a lasting flavor release.

    to purchase G.4 Blush Slim All White Portion from BuySnus.com.
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