Review: Soldat Vinter White Portion


  • Review: Soldat Vinter White Portion

    Click image for larger version  Name:	20200310_154240.jpg Views:	0 Size:	72.6 KB ID:	639498

    From Kurbitssnus here we have Soldat Vinter White Portion.

    Looking at the can it has a grey and white khaki design representing the manufacturer's vision for the Soldat brand whereby it's a snus that is solid and can reliably deliver
    as a good soldier would and also, in this case, giving Soldat Vinter specifically a cold and wintery feel capturing the Nordic winter, cold air and snow, Spruce and Pine forests that a soldier would need to navigate themselves through whilst carrying out their duties during the winter months.

    Upon opening the can I am greeted by a pleasant sweet aroma capturing, for me, the scent of cream soda and ice cream with a general hint of citrus and mild tobacco.

    Upon placing a portion under my lip I get a pleasant sweet taste capturing, for me, cream soda and icy-cold ice cream sundaes with sweet berries and a general hint of citrus all to the background of a mild tobacco base.

    The nicotine content for this snus is 12.5mg/g which puts it into the lower end of the strong snus category making for a pleasant, slightly stronger nicotine kick over regular strength snus. Each portion contains 0.9g snus with a total of 18g snus/can.

    I found these white portions a little drier than regular white portions, maybe they could be categorised as dry white portions, and I found moistening them slightly before placing them under my lip enhanced the experience.

    Why not try a can on of Soldat Vinter White Portion on your next order and see what you think? and share your thoughts with us in our Snus Reviews forum.

    Thanks for reading! & until next time SnusOn! :-)

    to purchase Soldat Vinter White Portion from
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