My snus journey.


  • AtreyuKun
    started a blog post My snus journey.

    My snus journey.

    My road to snusism, like most has come really only very recently. I started smoking when I was 15. I really didn't smoke hardcore being that it wasn't easy to my hands on them. Once I came of age, I began to smoke like a chimney. Long story short, in 2004, I finally quit smoking cold turkey. No going back. Or so I thought. I started back for whatever reason in 2009. I started buying the gimmicky Camel Crush. On my 3rd pack, the lady behind the counter handed me this thing called snus. It was made by Camel, and it was supposed to be something to do when I couldn't smoke. They were "tastey" and I could get my nic craving.

    I opened the tin, and saw what she had given me. I read the instructions, and promptly closed the tin. The things totally reminded me of dip or bandits....something I did not to have anything to do with.

    About a week later, I got a call from my soon to be brother-in-law. He had a tin himself, and we discussed it. I did tons of research online before I finally put it in my mouth. I really didn't want to look like one of those guys who had their face removed due to mouth cancer. After reading that it was potentially safer than smoking, I decided to give it a try. Boy oh boy did it burn. It was novel and it was fun.

    Not long there after, my now brother-in-law, Veganpunk told me about Swedish snus.
    He also mentioned a place called where there were tons of people who used snus. I was intrigued. When I saw him again, he gave me my first real Swedish snus. I cannot for the life of my remember what brand it was, but boy was it a shock to my system. He told it was an acquired taste, and the more I used it, the better it would taste. He taught me where to place it in my mouth to avoid a gusher. I was reluctant to order online at first, but I finally did of course.

    I've ordered nearly everything under the sun, and found my favorties that are now in my current rotation. I'm really quite happy that I happened upon snus, Say what you will about American snus, it led me in the right direction, and for that I'm grateful.

    • Snusdog
      Snusdog commented
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      Nice post mate! I enjoyed reading it.

    • daruckis
      daruckis commented
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      i think its cool that both you and vegan snus. i dont know a single other person who does, and ive given them out to so many people. i mean i have friends that will have one whenever i have one, but none that would actually order it for themselves. i think this is a travesty.

    • Veganpunk
      Veganpunk commented
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      Yea, it's kinda cool. In between sessions of gaming, we'll pause it and go to the fridge and each grab a can of whatever. We need to get up with Wadetheblade as he only lives like 30 minutes away. I believe you're first snus was a General White.
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