Hey there snusers!
Smoking is bad. You know it, your mom knows, the government knows it, we all know it. That's why I do my part on a nearly daily basis. Generally, I'm unsuccessful. However, I often get the seed planted.
These days, more and more people in the US know about snus. Or they think they do. The majority of people think that RJ Reynolds invented snus about 2 years ago. I like to explain the real story, and tell them about the studies that have been done. I tell them about cancer rates in the US versus those in Sweden. I then show off a can of snus which I always happen to have on hand. I show them something that you'll never see on a pack of cigarettes or a can of dip: the ingredients! I show that the very first ingredient even before tobacco is water. I allow them smell it and always to sample.
I also remind them of how much they spend on cigarettes, and just how little by comparison snus costs. You can get 20 smokes that last one day for $5 or you can get a can of snus for $3.25 that will probably last an entire week.
It doesn't always work, but it usually helps to give it a try on some one who dips.
Being from the Southern US, dippers are not hard to come by. Most, even the most hardcore users are disgusted by by what they don't know is in their smokes.
So. There it is. Do your part. Help your friends get healthy. Show them there's a better way to get that nic fix. The world needs more snusers, not smokers.
Do your part, convert a smoker today!
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Seriously though, if you tell your buddies how cheap snus is, then it doubles in price next month, they're likely to get PO'd. Although I suppose it will still be cheaper than smoking.
I tried once now to convert a smoker, and I'm not sure how well it worked. I gave him a General sample pack and told him all about it, but I haven't yet heard back. I wish there were sterk sample packs (hey V2, I'm talking to you). It wasn't until I tried a sterk that I knew it would be able to help me quit.
Keep up the good work!
'What's that?'
'Its swedish smokless tobacco, Snus.'
'Okay, how do you smoke it?'
'You dont. . . It's smokeless tobacco.'
And then they look at me like a dog who has just been shown a card trick.
This has happened more than once!