This thing is awesome.


  • bakerbarber
    started a blog post This thing is awesome.

    This thing is awesome.

    I don't know if any of you other fine snus connoisseurs need to transfer and sync files across multiple computers, but I no longer carry a usb flash drive since I found this.

    The iPhone app is wicked slick too.

    The link above will take you to the main Dropbox website. It'll also bump me a quarter gig of free storage for every referral that clicks and installs from my link.

    I'm not trying to spam. It's genuinely a useful tool. I would like every one of you to use it, (from my link), and discover the ease that jumping to the cloud can bring to your life.

    If you don't trust me than Google dropbox and go their site directly. Even if I don't get the juice from having you click my link, it's still something I want to share with my snus buddies.

    • Steez
      Steez commented
      Editing a comment
      I use dropbox every now and then, I don't rely on it for backups. They have a very good iPhone app for it as well.

    • sgreger1
      sgreger1 commented
      Editing a comment
      Glad I read this. I was just going to download this onto my ipad last night but i'll use your link instead when I do it tonight. Looks pretty sweet.

    • bakerbarber
      bakerbarber commented
      Editing a comment
      C'mon guys use my link.
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