Just checking again


  • Bigblue1
    started a blog post Just checking again

    Just checking again

    I believe larry waters is an ass. What do you think? I have come to this conclusion after reading his self diluted BS that he post's on his mostly inactive website. I mean who makes there own website an post's BS and passes it on for proven truth? Larry that's right... What a doosh bag of the utmost position. No wonder his forum is nothing but Him Playing Judge Jury and executioner..... What a piece of work.... I am not sure why Ice let's him post here anymore, I am really not. Anyway He is a POS in my book and should not be allowed to participate in this here forum anymore..... Those are my thoughts, for today.....

    PS. I'm thinking of doing a rant Blog here every now and again. PM me if you think it's a cool Idea..... LOL

    • Rattlesnake
      Rattlesnake commented
      Editing a comment
      He lets You post! There is no difference!

    • Frosted
      Frosted commented
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    • LincolnSnuff
      LincolnSnuff commented
      Editing a comment
      I think we all know who the real "doosh bag" is...
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