2nd experiment, 1st post


  • BiggieB
    started a blog post 2nd experiment, 1st post

    2nd experiment, 1st post

    I rarely visited this site until the last week, and then only to briefly lurk before a new snus purchase. I had been hearing about PACT the last couple of orders I made, but quickly forgot about it while going through my new stash. Well, that last purchase has just about run dry and reality has hit home my friends. I still don't know exactly how the dust will settle with different brand and vendor availabilities and prices, but the snus landscape has definitely changed, and not for the good. I placed an order today, but I'll just have to wait and see how long it takes to get here, and the cost is certainly more than it was before.

    As I mentioned, I do have a dwindling supply from my previous order, including a barely tapped bucket of SnusX. I only ordered one licorice flavoring with the bucket, and tried it on the first can, and since I had an extra empty can, I cleaned it, peeled the labels, and decided to make a 2nd batch. Not another licorice, but what other flavorings are around the house to use? No extracts in the cupboard, not even vanilla. Hmm. How about bourbon? Yeah, that Elijah Craig will do just fine.

    I wish I remember how much licorice flavoring I used, but I didn't write it down and have since forgotten, but it was definitely too much. Not unusable, but certainly stronger than I would like. As for the bourbon, I'm pretty sure it was 10mL of straight Kentucky goodness. Someone with more chemical and biological knowledge than I might want to share the implications of 4mL ethanol added to dried snus and applied to the gums and lips, but all I can say is the stuff had bite! I actually enjoyed it, mostly by the novelty of it, but a little concerned with the amount of sting the alcohol gave it.

    So no real success 1st time around. This was a couple months ago, I've since been distracted by the rest of that last order, and basically forgot about the SnusX tub that's been sitting in dry storage. Well it's time to bust that bad-boy out of hibernation and see if I can successfully make some home-flavored snus that I can be satisfied with.

    The second experiment should start tomorrow, and as always, recommendations are greatly encouraged!

    • PipenSnus
      PipenSnus commented
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      Welcome to the Mad Scientists Club! Your bourbon experiment is interesting. I tried bourbon flavoring, but it didn't turn out so good. Next time I'm going to try the real thing.

    • Darwin
      Darwin commented
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      Sounds like a good opportunity to spring for one of those hyper-pricey single malts.

      "Dear I know this cost 75 dollars but just imagine! It'll flavor at least two thousand portions of snus. That's less than four cents per portion. What a deal!"

      "Yes dear I kept the receipt."

    • BiggieB
      BiggieB commented
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      Originally posted by Darwin;bt479
      Sounds like a good opportunity to spring for one of those hyper-pricey single malts.

      "Dear I know this cost 75 dollars but just imagine! It'll flavor at least two thousand portions of snus. That's less than four cents per portion. What a deal!"

      "Yes dear I kept the receipt."
      Pricey single malts? Nah, next one's Jaeger!
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