Snus Report


  • Burnsey
    started a blog post Snus Report

    Snus Report

    I began using snus in October of 2012 and gave up cigarettes in a month. I thought that my taste memory might be lacking as I prepared to order Swedish snus online. So, I started a diary of snus flavors to give myself the references for future purchases. Except for the first few flavors the list is chronological. I have amended some posts, notice the dashes, after a second purchase of a flavor or possibly some other change of heart.

    I am most surprised that there are so few really bad flavors of Swedish snus, although I have not been as adventurous as some others in my selections.
    I hope some will find this interesting. Snus is a journey of sorts, taste buds change along with preferences of flavor and nicotine needs. Thank you Sweden.

    Snus Report
    October 5, 2012

    Camel Mellow – too sweet, generally a weak flavor after using Swedish, very low nic

    Camel Frost – not much good about it, too much mint flavor and very little if any tobacco or nicotine flavor

    Skoal Spearmint – way too strong mint flavor and little tobacco flavor, too large a portion size and dry – used less than half a can and threw it out

    Marlboro Mint – way too strong on the mint and no tobacco flavor at all – used two portions and threw it out, what a joke, makes Camel look good

    General op - love it, the blend of salt citrus and pepper and the initial flavor drip, seems I always have a tin open

    General wp – OK, but the op beats it – it does seem to last a little longer than op flavor wise, but it seems I'm waiting for the flavor to come and then it is not quite enough

    General Mint wp – strong mint ….maybe use occasionally for a change of flavor – nine months later I bought a tin from a local retailer as much to support local sales as to try mint again, a portion every few days is nice but no more than that

    General Spearmint wp – not good – I just don't care for spearmint snus it seems

    General Mini Mint wp – OK, just less of the mint – better taste than large wp but so little N it's not worth the effort

    Ettan op – nice, the taste after the tobacco reminds me of fruit, mostly through the first can now and it has become my favorite so far, light cocoa and smoke taste and not fruity, after a while the cocoa taste is too much, looking for more of a straight tobacco flavor - it's been over five months since I put it away and now I taste more tobacco, more smoke and much less cocoa, way better, I've heard this one will turn on you and get too much chocolate going on, think it's true but on the rebound it is so good

    Grov op– nice, plainer tobacco taste, lasts a while, reminds me of Ettan but less of the smoke flavor and more tobacco flavor, slight burn when it starts to drip – revisited after running out for a while and for 8mg, this is The One

    Jagarpris wp – over powering floral (juniper, elderberry?) with weak tobacco taste, large and full wp, won't buy again, might be better with a quarter of the flavor or less, I tried to hang tough through the tin in hopes of finding redemption for this flavor, but it tastes horrible

    Goteborgs Rape Lignon wp – floral and juniper, lignon berry of course, finished the can but it was hard to.....

    Roda Lacket wp - love it, good tobacco flavor, a very fruity back round, little salt, flavor with no bitterness as it wears out, perfect with espresso for breakfast, I always have a tin open and use a portion or two a day – makes me wish I had been able to try Claq Qui

    Oden's op– nice tobacco, a little less salt than General op but a little more pepper, I finished off the tin and have decided that I am more of a General lover than I thought

    Tre Ankare wp – good sweet tobacco, not too strong, very mild burn when the drip starts, fades away with no bitter taste, flavor does not seem to last long, reminiscent of cig tobacco, this would be a super op with very little modification, wet to get the flavors melded would likely do it for me, otherwise an occasional

    Oden's Lakrite op - a pleasant surprise, I was afraid it would be too sweet or too much licorice but it is a good blend of salt, tobacco and licorice in that order, very plump portions which feel like dumplings in the lip – this one really turned on me and I gave away the last 5 tins

    Goteborgs Rape wp – more subtle than the lignon version but still has the juniper and herb taste, more to my liking and lasts a while, the more I use it the less I like it, I'm out and thats OK

    Goteborgs Rape Lime – the regular GR is better, the lime is just a hint of flavor but seems to not make a better flavor overall, will get through the trial can but that's it for this one

    Taboca Portion Snus – very good , like quality cigar tobacco and not so much salt or other flavors, mild fig, the first can seemed to vanish – a roll quickly vanished as well, now the preferred online vendors do not carry it, so it goes

    Skruf Original Portion – good, this is a nice op, mild and less salt than General, tastes like better tobacco than most originals – second try, a roll, nice tobacco flavor that lasts a while, no bitterness when it wears out, flavor goes quickly

    Blågul Original Portion – this seems to be a fine tobacco masked by an odd flavor, possibly dill(?), sort of a tease, once is enough

    Roda Lacket los – tried a small pinch and did not put too much effort into baking it....instant mud slide....tasted OK, got a free syringe from the pharmacy and modified it for snus, better than hand baking, the flavor is different than the wp's but I'll take the convenience of portions

    Taboca ES wp – first impression is smooth mellow tobacco as expected but none of the sweet fruity flavor of the original, N hit is very mild – overall the flavor is OK but a wet portion would be better

    Nick and Johnny's White Heat – one of the best white portions I've tried, at 12mg the N is mild, the taste is citrus, pepper/spice with quiet tobacco taste....not that interesting but enjoyable and an easy all day snus, I think Original Edge would be more to my taste

    General Strong wp – no doubt it is General, just more N, can be an all day snus, particularly mellow and just another white portion – again, a wet portion of this blend would be very good

    Olde Ving Melon – fruity candy and very little if any tobacco taste, two portions was enough for me

    Olde Ving Fudge – probably as good as a cocoa or fudge can be, two portions was enough for me

    Olde Ving op – a very good classic snus, tastier than General or Odens ops but in the same flavor range of great tobacco, salt, pepper, citrus

    Odens Vanilla dry wp – this started out OK but turned into a sort of cardboard /paper flavor, two portions was enough for me

    General Onyx – I'm not sure what to think of this one, it lacks curb appeal for me, black pouches get slimey and migrate which is annoying, I do like it but may not have the sophisticated pallet to enjoy it fully – after 6 tins I like it more but not that much

    Grovsnus wp – this one pales in comparison to the original portion, somewhere in there is the Grov tobacco taste I love, but not nearly enough or quick enough,, I traded 8 tins for other flavors, good trade

    General Extra Sterk op - this is delicious snus, tobacco and N are in the forefront and the blend of other flavors are very nice, not too much of anything else but enough to make it interesting, strong but not too strong

    Skruf Strong op – very tasty as expected, a lot like Skruf op just heavier on the N, the bad thing is that after 45 minutes it is done, flavor gone, the N is a hard hit

    Jaks Dynamite – this is the strongest snus and first Jacobsons, impressed with the tobacco flavor overall, pretty much tobacco, salt, very light pepper and citrus – the N turned out to be too strong for me, but I will carefully use up this tin – I may try other Jaks, good flavor it seems

    • CzechCzar
      CzechCzar commented
      Editing a comment
      This is a great resource. Thanks very much!

    • Burnsey
      Burnsey commented
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      Thanks CC: I never meant it to be a series of reviews, but just notes to self really. It could help explain the journey of the taste buds!
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