A double post: TV Shows//Lost is almost over! [now what?]


  • A double post: TV Shows//Lost is almost over! [now what?]

    Okay, so Lost is almost over, and I'm kinda bummed about that. Lost is my favorite show, that's no lie. And it's quite possibly the best show of all time, so what do I do now? It's interesting that when I go to Google and type in "shows like Lost...." it always comes up with "shows like lost and heroes", which is interesting, because Heroes and Lost are my top 2. So far, some shows I've found interesting...

    Quite possibly the greatest show of all time. It's like Gilligans Island meets Survivor, but with Sci Fi and Drama thrown into the mix, and the most engaging story I've EVER encountered in a TV show. I was hooked since Episode 1. All this from just a show about an island....

    Next to Lost, this is another show that hooked me since Episode 1. It's like nerd paradise. Not unbelievable like X-Men, but realistic stories about people with abilities. I'm one of the few rooting for it to come back for a new season!

    This is a really good show, and something different from what I usually watch. When I read the description I thought it was going to be like CSR, or something similar - and I'm not into shows like that. But this one is refreshingly original!

    Thanks to Texasmade for getting me into this one. It's like X-Files but with a cooler twist and more lovable characters.

    When I look for "shows like Lost" on Google, this one came up the most. I watched a few episodes and got hooked! Sad thing is, there was only 2 Seasons to watch. But it has a great, albeit controversial, story!

    Misfits (2009 BBC TV Series)
    This is the show I could find that was most like Heroes. It's people with abilities, but it's from BBC, so it's got a lot more attitude, and language. It's coming back for a second season, so I'm quite excited about that.


    I'm still trying to figure out what else to watch. No matter HOW hard I try, I can't get into FlashForward. I just cannot get into the story. And I don't like shows about vampires, nor do I like medical shows or cop dramas. So I'm hoping for my shows like my above favorites to come around soon, a Lost spin-off, or a new season of Heroes. C'mon TV gods, listen up!
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