Yay! Volcano Snus


  • danielan
    started a blog post Yay! Volcano Snus

    Yay! Volcano Snus

    The mail arrived this afternoon. With it came a couple packages.

    First, I got that can of Onyx that had got lost. THANKS NORTHERNER!

    I also got my "Volcano Snus" and an Ice Tool Portion can.

    The Volcano Snus is indeed wintergreen. But it's not a strong flavor, so it adds some initial bite and a background of wintergreen, but not overpowering at all.

    The label reads like an Oomph Energy, but from what I can read on the bottom, it is just a normal Oomph.

    Think Oomph, but in wintergreen.

    It's a cute can, but I'll stick to normal Oomph Citrus/Menthol I think.

    I'll do another post for the Ice Tool Can.
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