Here are some pictures:
This is to give scale - that's a normal can of Gotland Green next to it.
Strangely, there are NO warnings on this can, at least none in English. (Please fix this! I don't want you to get in trouble or to stop selling to the US!)

Here is what it looks like. Also, this is a nice picture of s $2.00 empty snus can.

I think maybe there is a broken one in here somewhere. The smell is not that bad. A bit of ammonia smell with maybe some black pepper.
It's really cool digging through almost 500 portions.

Here is one portion by a US nickel for scale.

So, after breakfast this morning, I tried one of these plain and dry. Not bad. Basically no flavor. Maybe a bit of a pepper flavor. Overtures of bacon, but that's probably from breakfast.

So, basically, this is perfect for flavoring!
Unfortunately, my flavorings have not come yet.
I may cheat and steal some flavoring from the wife and get a batch going...
In other news, I also received my seeds and book from the seedman. Unfortunately, I am broke (have I mentioned that I hate health insurance?) so, this will have to wait until next weekend. Probably best since it is overcast and chilly this weekend.
Please keep us up to speed on how all the experiments are going, Dr. danielan!
Coffee Vanilla
Cherry (I'm probably the only one, but I like cherry snus like Klondike and Nordic Ice)
Berry Blend - I don't need starks
Citrus Vanilla
After that I'm not sure. Pie spice seems interesting. I used to like clove cigarettes occasionally. Rum and coconut? I don't know, maybe even play with mints.