Cherry Snus


  • danielan
    started a blog post Cherry Snus

    Cherry Snus

    I like cherry snus.

    Unfortunately, there is not much of it available. The only two brands I can find are Klondike and Nordic Ice.

    These both taste pretty good, IMO, but they have a weird throat feel that makes me want to spit. And I won't have a habit that involves spitting.

    Enter SnusX Cherry.

    If you like cherry, you may wish to pick up a SnusX Cherry set from Northerner or GetSnus. You might also want to pick up an extra bottle of flavor - as I described in my other post, I did a 10:1 batch the other night. This turned out a tiny bit weak IMO. Although I should be careful, since this was my initial thought on "Berry Blend" too and I've since changed my mind on that one. But even at 10:1 you will end up a bit short on flavor for the whole bucket.

    There was quite a bit more burn on this snus compared to my earlier attempts. I kind of like the burn though. I haven't tried the other SnusX Snusarom's so maybe this is normal - I'm thinking it is alcohol that is causing this - it will be interesting to see if the more oily SnusX Snusarom's also burn like this. We'll see how this one matures over the next few days, but if the flavor does not come out more, we'll do this with a bit more flavor next time we try this flavor.

    Which kind of brings up another topic. I wonder if Northerner and GetSnus will be able to ship non-Snus stuff like flavor without all of the PACT age verification, etc. It would be awesome if we could still do cheap USPS shipping for that. I'm not holding my breath though. It might be more work then it is worth for them considering the limited number of non-tobacco products they sell on GetSnus or from the US warehouse for Northerner.

    Anyway, this first attempt at cherry seems pretty good. I'll keep you informed as I try it more.

    My spraying method is still not working out properly. The flavor and moisture is working, but they look bad (lots of dry parts - I think PipenSnus described this look best as mottled). I may steal his method he described here: Although, I prefer to not handle the portions after they get wet. I guess I could get some tongs or some rubber gloves. I'm probably being irrational. I'm NOT a germophobe (I have 3 kids - it wouldn't work out anyway). The manufacturers probably have a cool machine that does this for them. I'm imagining a conveyor that the portions ride on under a sprayer then flip from one conveyor to another to get sprayed on the other side before they jump happily into the can.

    In other news - I found a guy on CraigsList that was selling 5 gallon buckets for $1 each. So I picked up 24 of these - when my plants get bigger they will have nice new homes after I go get a pickup load of compost + topsoil. Being in buckets, I can move them inside for severe weather or early frost if needed.

    I'm going to skip buying more flavor until at least the 15th. I still have several flavors I haven't tried already waiting.

    I also went ahead and fired early on my last pre-PACT orders. I have one issue I need to straighten out with the vendor and several SnusX buckets that will be here Tuesday, but otherwise, I think I'm done until the PACT changes get worked out. My wife has been incredibly good natured about all of this silliness.

    • danielan
      danielan commented
      Editing a comment
      I did another batch of 10:1 (ml) Cherry snus but this time with the Faeries Finest Clear Cherry flavor.

      This cherry smells a lot less like maraschino and more like cough syrup - not sure how it will turn out.

      Like last time - I'm going to stick with 10:1 for the SnusX cherry snus - I'm really liking this one as it is.

    • danielan
      danielan commented
      Editing a comment
      The Faerie's Finest Clear Cherry didn't turn out as well as the SnusX Cherry. This flavor is more like cough drop cherry then maraschino cherry.
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