RIP Havana 501's


  • danielan
    started a blog post RIP Havana 501's

    RIP Havana 501's

    All of my Havana 501's are dead now. The last holdout died this afternoon.

    At least my Havana 503's are doing well. They have really grown a lot over the last couple days:

    I hope they survive. I want at least 1 plant to make it.

    They are drinking a LOT of water in the heat of summer.

    My mint in the garden is growing like crazy - totally taking over the garden. It doesn't know it yet, but I think I am going to turn about 1/2 of it into home-made mint extract next week.

    I think it would be fun to then take that and make my own mint snus with my own mint extract!

    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      Mr. Snuffleupagus commented
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      I wouldn't chance killing them trying to untangle the roots. Just pick your favorite one in the group and pinch off all the others in the same peat thing. That way the one you leave doesn't have to fight for water/nutrients and it's roots won't get disturbed when you repot it. Just my 2 cents...

    • danielan
      danielan commented
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      What you're suggesting is murder and I'll have none of that on my conscience!

    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      Mr. Snuffleupagus commented
      Editing a comment
      Ok, but it's the right method because it leads to some of them living. Your method is total murder IMO, at least potentially...
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