Looking for Yummy Flavor


  • fatmike
    started a blog post Looking for Yummy Flavor

    Looking for Yummy Flavor

    Hi Everybody!

    I have tried a few different brands of swedish snus (LD, Thunder, Skruf) and while I ejnoyed all of them, I found that they made me nauseous when I smelled them. I have a weak stomach these days (when I have insurance I'm going to go to the doctor). Now I've had to switch back to Camel snus for a pleasant flavor and smell.

    I guess what I'm looking for is a swedish Snus with as much "yummy" flavor as the Camel snus, but with the nictoine content of the Swedish brands. Something that tastes like cherries or lemons or mint.

    The closest I found was Thunder Extreme, but it just didn't quite cut it. The snus I'm looking for might not be out there, but I wanted to pose the question to the community because I prefer the nicotine in traditional brands.

    • fatmike
      fatmike commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks to everyone who responded! Yes, I have tried Thunder Frosted, I accidentally called it Thunder Extreme when I meant thunder extreme frosted. I'm gathering up all the recommendations and I'm going to get a tin of each of them and post after I've tried them.

      I did try Offroad Coffee, and honestly I just didn't care for it. I found that it smelled really good, but when I put it in my mouth it tasted like.. butt. And yes I have tasted that before. On the flipside I guess I could say I've dated a girl who's butt tasted like Offroad snus!

    • danielan
      danielan commented
      Editing a comment
      Originally posted by fatmike;bt56
      On the flipside I guess I could say I've dated a girl who's butt tasted like Offroad snus!
      I better investigate this... Please send me me contact information.

    • midnight
      midnight commented
      Editing a comment
      Definitely try general mint or mini mint. Maybe Goteborgs #2 for a fruitier but still fairly traditional option, too
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