Homemade Thunder Coola?


  • GiantsNut57
    started a blog post Homemade Thunder Coola?

    Homemade Thunder Coola?

    Hey Snuson!

    So, being American, I have the means, but not the shipping to obtain Thunder Coola. This saddens me, as I was pretty stoked to hear that V2 came out with a cola flavored snus! Now, here I am... pulling an all-nighter on the eve of my order and my Friday from work.... thinking (quite dangerous for me ). It comes to my brain, why not make my own Coola? I had just bought a can of Thunder OP from my tobacconist and have plenty of cola in the fridge!

    Took all the portions out of the can and placed them on a few paper towels, fluffed em, and dipped them in Sunny Select Classic Cola! The portions, which were quite dry apparently from my guy LEAVING THE THUNDER OUT OF THE FRIDGE, are now moist with cola and settling their flavors together. Now, I do not expect this to taste just like Coola, but hey, it's a start

    Pictures or it doesn't happen I know... They'll be up soon


    • GiantsNut57
      GiantsNut57 commented
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      yeah, the sweetness kinda sucked lol. where can I find the syrup?

      why didn't i think of that??? General Los would be an interesting cola flavor mixed with the bergamot, maybe i'll try it out

    • nicodude
      nicodude commented
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      You can get coke syrup at a drug store/pharmacy, like a CVS/wallgreens/rite aid ect... Did you try the real coola yet?
      Even though I don't use sterks, I broke down and bought a can the other day, can't wait to try it out. I will probably cut the portions in half though...

    • GiantsNut57
      GiantsNut57 commented
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      Northerner has em coming to the US! I got a roll on hold for when it's available
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