E500 and increased addictiveness says Greg Connolly of Harvard S.P.H? WTF!


  • E500 and increased addictiveness says Greg Connolly of Harvard S.P.H? WTF!

    Been reading up on additives in snus and found some flotsam and jetsam out there suggesting that E500 use increases the amount of 'free nicotine' in snus and makes it more addictive. Wondered if anyone knows anything about this? The trail seems to lead back to a guy called Professor Greg Connolly of the Harvard School of Public Health.

    • khalid
      khalid commented
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      Thanks for the info and the links. I guess we are going to be hearing a lot more snus scares as time goes on. Whenever I tell people in the U.K that I use Snus they raise questions about oral cancer.

    • SnusoMatic
      SnusoMatic commented
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      whenever i hear something like this it makes me lose faith in mankind. E500 is sodium carbonate that converts to baking soda. yea it "raises" the ph but try using smokeless with a low ph and see how good it is. besides it's been used in smokeless forever. tobacco is always going to be additive. if they are going to tell the cons of tobacco use they should at say something any five year old don't already know.

    • Joe234
      Joe234 commented
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      if it were not addictive I probably would not have given up cigarettes.

      Thanks E500
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