Opened a couple more cans the other day; classic types trying to get away from the "mint" types for a bit. The new ones were Ettans and Göteborgs Rapé.
No wonder Ettans has been around so long...the subtle cocoa and mild nutty flavors are great. It is the first type that I used for almost an entire afternoon, four portions in a row. I did start to get bored with it a little bit so switched to the old standby General Mint to end the day but woke up looking forward to an Ettans portion with morning coffee.
Göteborgs Rapé was a bit of a surprise. For some reason I had the bergamot/lemon pepper type in my head so the light berry medicinal taste seemed weird. Once I read up on it I realized my memory was wrong (once again) and this is how it is supposed to taste. It seemed to vary in time duration before trending to slight bitter (which they all seem to for me after having them in too long) but then again I had a beverage with some portions so that surely affected things. From what I can tell the No. 2 version is even more popular but for now this version with its unique taste is a keeper.
1 General Mint White Portion
2 Jakobsson's Mint Strong Portion
3 Ettans Portion
4 Göteborgs Rapé
5 General White Portion
6 General Wintergreen White Portion
7 Thunder Frosted Long+ Portion
8 Thunder Frosted ES Portion
9 Oden's Classic Kanel
10 Offroad Frosted Portion
Also moved up the Thunder Frosted Long+ portion. Had a family/neighbor event and wanted to test out how discreet I could be. Considering the size (plus the strength) I tucked away a few portions for the night. Turns out I can get some mint like flavor and the "burn" isn't quite as intense as with the Frosted ES or Offroad varieties. With the marginal taste improvement plus verification of discreet use this goes up the scale a bit.
Back to a couple high flavored snus next...