You say Göteborgs Rapé, I say 01


  • Lcarvone
    started a blog post You say Göteborgs Rapé, I say 01

    You say Göteborgs Rapé, I say 01

    I found myself in a bit of a flavor conundrum earlier this weekend. I was getting ready to walk out and run some errands and figured I would switch out my hour old portion of Göteborgs Rapé for an another brand. Yet when I took it out I noticed it was longer and thinner than I expected. It dawned on me that it was actually an 01 from Swedish Match. Huh? I figured I would test the situation and put in another 01 for the trip. After I got back I purposely took out the spent portion and rinsed my mouth thoroughly before putting in a Göteborgs Rapé portion. Aha, there is a least at first. The Göteborgs Rapé has that slight more berry medicinal flavor versus the more herbaceous and less berry of the 01 but after about 20 minutes they seem to end up the same. I am sure many users here will say they see a much bigger difference and that may be due to my noobness and the continued adjustment of my tastes to this type product or maybe since they are made by the same company there is some sharing of materials so to speak.

    Yet what it boils down to for me is that from a flavor standpoint these become so similar to my palate that there is no reason for me to keep both in my rotation. The 01 portions are a bit more discreet so I think solely because of this it will remain. Many have said the Göteborgs Rapé no 2 is better so that is in my shopping cart for sure on a future order as is the 02 product.

    1 General Mint White Portion
    2 Jakobsson's Mint Strong Portion
    3 Ettans Portion
    4 01 Portion
    5 Göteborgs Rapé
    6 Thunder Frosted Long+ Portion
    7 General White Portion
    8 Offroad Frosted Portion
    9 General Wintergreen White Portion
    10 Oden's Classic Kanel
    11 Olde Viking Spearmint
    12 Thunder Frosted ES Portion
    13 Thunder Coola Extra Stark

    This feels almost like heresy but I really did try the Thunder Frosted ES portions again but I just can't hang. The burn is too much and the nic is just too high for me. It is not as bad as the Thunder Coola ES but as you can see they are my bottom two. Yet I must say the Thunder Frosted Long+ portions are growing on me fast. It has less burn and I have been able to coax a bit more flavor out of it. I wish it was 50% more but the size is great and they currently fill that nice spot of discreet and menthol burn when I feel the need. I couldn't use them them as a daily snus but to make a crummy analogy it is kinda like the rubber mallet in my toolbox....I don't need or use it very often but its the right tool for some very specific jobs.

    Thanks for reading!

    • Monkey
      Monkey commented
      Editing a comment
      Juniper is a pretty common flavor in snus but I really don't remember the 01 being heavy on it. I wasn't a fan of either though.....I don't hang with the strong juniper without some citrus to break it up.A hint of lime on the GR would probably be really good.

      Try Phantom blue alongside those two. I can send you a tin of los if you want. That is the best example of tha juniper hint heabal snus I have tried.

    • Lcarvone
      Lcarvone commented
      Editing a comment
      "Juniper is a pretty common flavor in snus but I really don't remember the 01 being heavy on it."

      I agree Mr. M, I don't think the 01 is heavy in it but I imagine some of the same flavor materials that are common to juniper/evergreen/pine cone family if you will of the GR are also found in the herbal/cedar/oak (to use Northerner's descriptions) of the 01. After some of the high notes go away then similar, longer lasting base tastes remain.

      Oh and thanks for the offer on the los....I am strictly portion at this point but will venture into los before too long. I may pick up a tin of Phantom Blue portions
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