Someone mentioned in a post regarding recent news of Gotland's expansion plans that they (the poster) would like to see the Gotland's brand name reserved for the higher end and/or specialty products and Jakobsson's name for the more mainstream offerings. I honestly have never tried a Gotland's labeled brand but I have nearly all the Jakobsson's and that is how they taste to me; all pretty good, above average actually, and suitable for mainstream consumption. Yet nothing about them makes me anxious when I run out...with the one exception of Flader. This version has earned a permanent spot in my rotation. It wasn't going to when I started the can but as I got to the end I became a believer. But I digress (which is easy to do with these three and in general

Lab Series 02 was very similar to 01 which I liked a lot so I should like this one a lot too, right? I may be becoming jaded to some extent since I am 25 plus varieties into this but what was going through my head was "oh yeah, they taste pretty similar and this 02 tastes"
The Olde Viking Original has shades of its Oden's cousins in that the flavor note I taste as a form of cracked black pepper is present (but to a lesser degree) and some mildly sweet citrus and earthy notes come through. But like my previous experience with Olde Viking Spearmint the flavor just doesn't last; 40 minutes tops, before it falls apart for me and bitter notes creep in and the pepper takes a back seat. Not sure if this is just luck of the draw or something inherent in the product and my usage. So I think for the price and stamina I'll stick with the Oden's Original for that unique GN taste

So now what? I am disappointed in myself for not posting sooner when thoughts and tastes were fresh so I feel I haven't given these a fair shake. Before long I will order all again and see if my opinion changes.
I am still plugging along to 100 somewhat begrudgingly but actually I imagine this is common for many snus users who sample lots of varieties; they have peaks and valleys of snus experience. I think levels of expectation can be a double edged sword. Many brands are described as ripe with this or brimming with that and get rave near orgasmic reviews from long standing or high profile snus lovers all over the net. But in the grand scheme of things when it comes to taste, it still comes down to the individual. One mans caviar is another ones fish parts.
Thanks for reading
Added the new ones and moved some things around. Not because I have tried them again, just because it feels better

General Mint White Portion
Jakobsson's Wintergreen Strong Portion
Thunder Frosted Long+ Portion
Jakobsson's Mint Strong Portion
Offroad Frosted Portion
General Wintergreen White Portion
Olde Viking Spearmint
Thunder Frosted ES Portion
Traditional (Bergamot or related type)
General Onyx
General Original portion
Jakobsson's Classic Portion
General White Portion
Olde Viking Original
Traditional ("Pure" Tobacco type)
Ettans Portion
Oden's Original
Phantom/Rothbrix Brown (price helps this to be higher on the list)
Oden's Dry White 69
N&J Strong Portion
Skruf Original
Specialty Flavor
Jakobsson's Flader
01 Portion
02 Portion
Göteborgs Rapé
Oden's Classic Kanel
Göteborgs Rapé No 2
Thunder Coola Extra Stark
As for Swedish Match snus, I don't like their flavor profile anymore. Two years ago I was loving General. Now....meh.
As for the Odens, the white 69 is awesome....but a white.
Their Extreme is awesome though.
All in all....I found the journey through snus fun, if exasperating at times.....especially when my favorites got the ax. At certain points of " what to try" I grabbed a few tins and tried exclusive use of one flavor.
It helped me not b overwhelmed or get frustrated and gave my palate some monotonousness (is that a word?).....but that is just me.