This portion is just Geschmacklosigkeit*...


  • Lcarvone
    started a blog post This portion is just Geschmacklosigkeit*...

    This portion is just Geschmacklosigkeit*...

    Grov Black….this is the one that reminded me I really need to read descriptions a little closer before I choose to spend my small snus budget on something new. The reason for this is one of the main ingredients…licorice. I know I have stated before that I wasn’t a real wintergreen fan but Jak’s Wintergreen (and yes I have to admit to a small extent General) is good enough to make me a believer on those rare occasions when I want a break from the standard tobacco types. Licorice (or more specifically anise) on the other hand is another story.

    Growing up a fat kid of predominately German heritage (imagine an Americanized version of Augustus from Willy Wonka), brautwurst, sauerkraut, strudel, etc. are staples of my upbringing. Anis cookies were also prevalent at Christmas time but I never touched them. They still show up every year, made by a family friend, and relatives extol their old world flavor and spicy sweet goodness. Trust me I have tried but I just don’t like the taste of licorice. Of course when I opened the can of Grov Black, it just happened to be the first can that I didn’t smell before picking out a portion. It took about 10 seconds before the taste started coming through and I took it out in disbelief with some choice words usually spelled W-T-F. See, I had it set in my head this was just a stronger version of regular Grov portion which I like very much. I was expecting in a way for it to be like what Onyx is to General Original. This obviously isn’t the case.

    Now don't get me wrong there are other flavors going on, a vanilla is there but it tastes almost like condensed milk with a mildly sweet cooked aspect. There are some tobacco notes too but they are suppressed under the somewhat heavy handed flavors. I have “made it through” about 5 portions over the course of a week or so but ended up sticking the can in the back of the freezer for a while. I doubt I will buy another can of this one and know I will read the fine print so to speak from now on

    Thanks for reading

    *PS: My translation may be way off…

    Skruf Fresh White Slim
    General Mint White Portion
    Jakobsson's Wintergreen Strong Portion
    Thunder Frosted Long+ Portion
    Jakobsson's Mint Strong Portion
    Offroad Frosted Portion
    General Wintergreen White Portion
    Olde Viking Spearmint
    Thunder Frosted ES Portion

    Traditional (Bergamot or related type)
    General Onyx
    General Original portion
    Jakobsson's Classic Portion
    General White Portion
    Olde Viking Original
    Phantom White
    Phantom Blue

    Traditional ("Pure" Tobacco type)
    Ettans Portion
    Oden's Original
    Phantom/Rothbrix Brown
    Oden's Dry White 69
    N&J Strong Portion
    Skruf Original

    Specialty Flavor
    Jakobsson's Flader
    01 Portion
    02 Portion
    Göteborgs Rapé
    Roda Lacket
    Oden's Classic Kanel
    Grov Black
    Göteborgs Rapé No 2
    Thunder Coola Extra Stark

    • Darwin
      Darwin commented
      Editing a comment
      Wasn't a big fan of licorice either, or of the first few portions of Black. I perservered though and by the end of the can I was hooked. After a few cans more it seemed that I wasn't tasting the licorice at all, just the other flavors which agreed with me. Just works out that way sometimes but of course it's totally unpredictable. For instance the first half of a can of Gotlunds Flader was uniformly godawful and the last half, two months later, was even worse. Revisiting is a wise strategy but expect no miracles.
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