Due to the variety they offer and more importantly a nice low price, Offroad brand products are something I always at least look through when making a purchase. The Offroad Frosted is a brand I have purchased more than once because I occasionally like a good slug of menthol to kind of cleanse the palate between my staple of tobacco-centric types. I have “saved” these reviews until I had them all done so they could be posted as a set. And the three I have for today are Offroad Wintergreen, Offroad Eucalyptus, and Offroad Coola White.
As mentioned numerous times before, wintergreen is mot my favorite flavor type but I am much more accepting in my old age. The Offroad variety was typical for the family; decent flavor, low tobacco notes, and an overall average experience. For me they fall into the same quality/tier category with Phantom products although where Offroad focuses on flavors, Phantom focuses more on tobacco tastes. The portions themselves were a bit thin in terms of fill and so far all cans of Offroad I have received have hadat least one open portion covering the rest with a sprinkling of tobacco. The wintergreen flavor is wintergreen, no thrills, no flash. But not a bad product if you want some hing very straightforward with not a lot of hoopla. I actually put this in between Jak’s and General.
The Eucalyptus variety was a pleasant surprise. I added this one to an order a while back not because I was really interested but because my original choice wasn’t in stock and it made my total cost an even dollar amount (good reasons huh?). At first opening I felt the need to lay down and put a bunch on my chest to help open up my sinuses while soothing music played in the background and….well, it did remind me of the old Vick’s VapoRub commercials but I didn’t do all that. I must say the medicinal aspect doesn’t come across in the taste as much as in the odor for me which is a good thing. The cooling was there as expected and it was pretty true to a traditional eucalyptus profile; no attempt to overdo the sweetness or cooling. I found myself using this as an exclusive in between snus for nearly three days straight which is kind of rare for me. Definitely another buy at some point down the road…
Finally, if it wasn’t for the fact that I like the concept of a cola flavored snus with a cooling aspect I never would have bought this one. The Offroad Coola White portion addresses many of the issues I had with the Thunder Coola Extra Stark I did not like from a few months back. First off the flavor amplitude is much better; it feels about a third of the strength and the nic hit is pleasant versus the overpowering flavor and hit from the Thunder version. I wish I could lower the sweet lime taste by a third and replace it with more of the barely evident spice component to more balance the overall profile but all in all this version is growing on me. It’s a nice refreshing snus (subtle cooling effect) to throw in every once in a great while as a change of pace. As a matter of fact I think I’ll have one right now….thanks for reading.
Traveling Offroad
Traveling Offroad
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#1lxskllr commented17-09-11, 11:48 PMEditing a commentI've heard a couple people say the eucalyptus was pretty good. I had their limited edition run a few years ago, and I thought it was unusable. I spit it out within minutes of putting it in, and that was it. I wonder if the recipe has changed. I like Catch eucalyptus a good bit. I may have to grab a tin at some point. It'll be awhile. I still have a lot of Catch, and I don't use portions much.
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