Well, it has been two months since my last entry in my attempt to sample 100 snus. There are at least a half dozen I have yet to write about but that thing called life just has to take precedence sometimes. I have purchased nothing and traded only a few tins in this time. I fear I am already becoming complacent with my preferences, like the quiet gentleman sitting at the same table at the same diner ordering the same bacon and egg special that he has everyday. He couldn't described how it tastes after all this time, it is just what he "likes" and that is what he gets. The "new" snus to me I have had these last two months are long ago consumed with no notes either on paper or in my head so I will have to repurchase to give them a fair shake. This sabbatical if you will however has highlighted that I "miss" certain brands more than others. Right now I wish I had a can of Ettan portions or a Skruf Slim Fresh to sample...I think it is these that have some mental attachment that will eventually become the staples of my stash as time progresses...but there are dozens more to try before 100 so only time will tell.