It's Time To Grow Up America


  • lxskllr
    started a blog post It's Time To Grow Up America

    It's Time To Grow Up America

    With all the changes in the tobacco world, the one that's really been bothering me(other than an overstepping government) is the Americanization of snus. The American brands are a complete joke, and the Swedes are starting to follow suit. Bold artificial flavor, and cloying sweetness has been the modus operandi so far. Here's a list of the traditional, as well as newer Swedish snus flavors made for the Swedish market...

    Tobacco and smoke
    Tart berry

    There's other subtle flavorings, and girl snus tends to have a bit more of it, along with a light sweetness, but for the most part, the flavorings have been complex, and sophisticated.

    In contrast, lets look at the traditional, and newer American dip flavors...

    Copenhagen We're doing well so far...
    Wintergreen Meh, but at least it's adult oriented
    Straight Tobacco and sugar

    It looks like a stop at the candy counter, with Jelly Belly flavors. All have overbearing flavor, and all are sweet, with the notable exception of Copenhagen snuff.

    Americans have Four Loko taste in a single malt world. It's time to for us to grow up, and join the rest of the developed world. If you can figure out everything that's going on with a food item within the first few seconds of putting it in your mouth, it probably doesn't have enough going for it to be worth the bother.

    In closing, I just ask you to ask yourself this question before buying any product, but especially tobacco products. Would Humphrey Bogart use this? In the case of Skoal Berry, the answer is "of course not". Bogart would be using Copenhagen if he were out of snus, but his preferred product would be Ettan. Lets leave the kid stuff for the kids :^)

    • Darwin
      Darwin commented
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      Perhaps General's campaign to market to young urban professionals wasn't as foolish as it first sounded. In big cities there is an immense variety of regional and national cuisines available whose taste profiles are quite, 'scuse the expression, un-American, and very popular, so the theory might be that dese dem and dose guys' palates would be better disposed to appreciate the "traditional" taste of General. Wild guess of course but when General aims product specifically at the broader overall U.S. market it's minty and sweet. Include General in a focus group of typical U.S. smokers and they'll pick the candified stuff every time. "Bergamot? Whazzat? Tastes sour as hell. Me likey that sweet mint stuff."

    • AtreyuKun
      AtreyuKun commented
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      To me, if there is no bergamot, tobacco, smoke, or juniper, it ain't snus.

    • Anthony85
      Anthony85 commented
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      Dip isn't snus. That's the problem: you're trying to make it into something it's not. Sure, dip has simple flavors; it isn't meant to be the height of sophistication for elite pseudo-Euro snobs. It's a simple product for simple people, and there's nothing wrong with that.

      If everyone were like everyone else for the sake of uniformity, this would be a boring world indeed!
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