Demand 50g


  • lxskllr
    started a blog post Demand 50g

    Demand 50g

    The practice of snus companies shrinking the size of the lös tins, is disturbing, and irritating. It's a dishonest trick to make people think they're getting the same amount of snus for less money. Snus isn't the only place this happens, but the (American sales)industry is still small enough that we can do something about it.

    To put the size shrink into perspective, you lose 1 tin per roll for every 5g taken off the cans. If the snus is in a 45g tin, when you buy a roll, you pay for 10 tins, but get 9. Rothbrix is now in a 40g tin, so when you buy a roll of that, you're getting 8 tins. Pretty good deal, eh?

    The size of the tin doesn't change of course. That's a deceptive visual trick so people aren't as aware of the shrinkage. What the manufacturers are saying is 'We think you're stupid, so we'll continue shorting tins, and you won't notice'. When comparing snus prices, it's important to make a gram for gram comparison. That may make some of the "deals" less than spectacular.

    I'm less concerned with portions due to their short history of use, but the principle still applies. Companies are making light tins, AND light portions. a regular portion should be 1g. That's been the size for their short history, and it makes sense due to being a nice round number. Some companies are making the portions .8g. Seriously?!

    Corporate dishonesty is a part of modern life, but that doesn't mean we have to accept it. Write to the companies, complain on forums, and point out the deception to others. Demand 50g. You aren't saving money if you're getting less snus.

    AFAIK, 3 companies are packing their lössnus in proper 50g tins...
    Gotlandssnus with the tasty Grå, and seasonal Julesnus

    Pioneer with their fantastic plain lös.

    Gellivare Snusfabrik with Gellivare, and Landströms

    Support companies that don't treat you like an idiot.

    • v2
      v2 commented
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      Due to the tax is going up all the time and once again 1. jan 2011 in Sweden and Norway the contents are reduced - trying to keep the same prices as before... We reduced around 1. april this year the loose, because of Knox was going down in weight. SM is now following with 42 gram in loose...

    • lxskllr
      lxskllr commented
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      You can't keep the same price though. Shrinking the size is a price increase. That might fool the dummies for awhile, but pretty soon people will catch on. The only person that will save money is the one that's quitting after that tin. Losing a one tin purchaser as a customer isn't much of a loss.

      It's hard to beat honesty. Pack the snus in 50g tins, and write the weight big on the side. Offroad Lös 16% more than other brands!

    • MojoQuestor
      MojoQuestor commented
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      I'd like to see it change, but it won't (sorry). It's the same thing that's happened with cans of tuna, jars of mayonnaise--raise the price a little, then shrink the container a little, and you're basically just raising the price more without making it seem as obvious. I know that sounds retarded--of course the smaller size is obvious--but it seems to work; it's psychological, related perhaps to why widgets are usually 2.99 or 8.98, not three or nine bucks or whatever; and why gasoline in the US is almost always $x.yz & 9/10 of a penny. And then of course when you can't even buy tuna or mayonnaise, or soon I suppose, snus in the old, familiar size, you shrug and take it on the chin--or at least, it seems, most people do. I appreciate that you're saying "don't do that! Fight the power!" I really respect that, and--well--good luck with that.

      ...Not sure when I turned into Benjamin the donkey :O/
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