Already Reaping the Benefits!


  • mh_logic
    started a blog post Already Reaping the Benefits!

    Already Reaping the Benefits!

    Quitting smoking is without a doubt the BEST thing I have ever done. Yes, I realize that I have only been smoke free for a couple days. But, I have a newfound sense of confidence in myself. I feel like all of the goals I have set for myself are completely attainable now.

    I just got back from a nice, quick hike in the woods at my favorite park. I was able to walk the Upland trail without gasping for breath. After my walk I stopped and took several deep breaths of the fresh Spring air. My lungs stopped hurting yesterday and I'm breathing so much better. No more hacking.

    Everything is entirely possible now...

    My weight loss goals, my fitness goals, my outdoor adventure goals. And I'll be saving a ton of money without smoking.

    I knew cigarettes were holding me back big time. But, now I feel completely rejuvenated.

    Smoking sucks! Life is good! And tasty...with all of the delicious snus' I can't wait to try...

    Honestly, when I started dabbling in snus I never thought I could use it to replace my dangerous cigarette addiction. When I was walking today I was thinking about how disgusting smoking is. And visualizing the smoke tarring up my lungs and heart. And then rejoicing how I'll never have to experience that nastiness again.

    But, now I'm ecstatic to be smoke-free and hooked on snus and snuff.

    Can't wait until June when I get some new Los and some new snuff. Definitely will be ordering some Oden's Extreme too.

    • ABW
      ABW commented
      Editing a comment
      Good for you.. I mean it.. Good for you...
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