Today I took a can of los to work to tempt fate and challenge myself to do what I have not yet successfully done....
Los at work without getting busted.
So, how did I do? What los did I take? Was there a mess?
First, the snus. Knowing I was attempting to be stealthy one might assume I took a Phantom product which can support the weight of three elephants when molded into a pris*. If not a Phantom product, then definitely another offering from v2. All of their los offerings are almost magical in their staying power. v2 makes the Ron Jeremy of snus (staying power, not flavor you sick people). Ummm... So was it Gotlands per chance? I do love Gotlandssnus and it is a champ when it comes to not sliding but sadly it was not. Grov? No. Skruf? Not even. General? Pshaw! Those are not a challenge to keep from sliding!
I took some Roda Lacket los because I like the fact that it will slide on me at precisely the wrong time...every time. Plus, I was feeling rather bal-oops, I mean brave. To top this daring feat of courage and stupidity off, I left my Icetool at home. On purpose.
Why Mike? Why would you attempt this? It's crazy! Think of the children and midgets and stuff!
Now, my record with los at work going into this is 0-3 and I used my Icetool each of those times. I think it instilled a false sense of confidence in my ability and made me rather lax in maintaining a pris.
Oh no! it's going to be worse than a Facts of Life marathon in hell!
Now, to be honest it wasn't all horror and torture. I hand baked every pris rather quickly and did pretty well with my sizing. They were consistent and not too firm and not too loose. They were for the most part just right which seems to lower the chances of the Roda sliding down my teeth.
Every time a pris did slide on me, I ran to the bathroom and rinsed my mouth out. I only had to do this three times all day and blamed it on loose stools from burritos. It is amazing how I said the magic word diarrhea once and nobody had any more questions. The more surprising part of this was that three completely different pris did not slide on me before I took them out!
Now, I did have a little accident getting one pris out, and I left it where it fell. It landed right behind the seat of the toilet on the rim and looked really bad but I was not about to touch the part of the toilet that every one pees on. Well, I have been known to accidentally pee there so I'm SURE other people pee there when the seat is up. Probably mostly a guy thing but I have been in a few ladies rooms and was not impressed by the cleanliness.
All in all, it was a pretty good day to los at work. My record is improving, 1-3, and I only had to fake the squirts. With practice, I am sure I will be able to make it through a whole day at work without having to blame a mudslide on a mudslide.
*not really
a couple times ive brought los to work, with good results, but theres just no way i could pull it off every day. when im in the back doing paperwork at the end of the night its no big deal, or if im mopping the floor or closing up in general. but midday when the owner shows up and shit, thats just too risky for me. the moment someone notices it, theyll be looking at me differently, looking for my snus everytime after that.
Agreed. I still get poked in the lip by the manager that caught me using los at work so I have to be extra careful when she's working.