Snusers like us, that golf on courses, are the luckiest guys in the world. They got no family. They don’t belong no place. They come to a hole an’ work up a score and then they go into a green and blow their par, and the first thing you know they’re poundin’ their tail on some other hole. They ain’t got nothing to look ahead to.

Well, I didn't do so well yesterday. I shot a 69...
...on the back 9. In my defense, I hadn't been drinking.

I decided to walk 18 holes due to the lower cost, in beautiful 95 degree weather. Being a frugal individual does not always lead me to the best decisions.

So, what does this have to do with snus?

Oh, only about everything! You see, this was the first game of golf I played without a cigarette in my hand or a pinch of dip in my lip.
Now I am sure that snus did not increase my drive, keep me out of the sand or help me putt (I'm almost embarrassed at my score) but it did make the day much better.

I took some General los (and some English Menthol Snuff), but what ever brand you want to take is fine as well and there are some real pluses to golf with a pris or a pinch which I will list now.

1. Easier to putt with a pris in your lip than a burning cigarette.

2. I walked 18 holes and never got short of breath.

3. I did not accidentally spit dip spit on my golf buddies. (The spit was intentional this time hahaha!)

4. I did not have to cower behind my golf bag to light up.

5. Screaming at your ball is much more satisfying when you don't have to worry about swallowing dip.

6. Anger can be quelled easiest with a quick toot of snuff.

I am sure there are more but if you want top ten lists there are much better places out there to find them.

Now, let me take you into one of my most remembered shots of the day...

So there I was, on the 16th hole. A par 4, 315 yards. I formed my pris of General los as I awaited my turn. I walked up to the tee, snus in lip and tension mounting. I placed the tee in the ground and gently rested the ball on top of the tee. I addressed the ball, relaxed, swung....

Ping! ::CRACK::

I said looking down the fairway, "What the f#$%?? Where's my m@#$%!^&*$ing ball?"

My golf buddy replied, "On the green...."

I quickly interjected, "No s#$% huh?"

He finished his sentence, "...of the 18th hole. It hit a tree and went about 30 yards behind us."

I grabbed my bag and walked to the edge of the 18the hole, took a toot of snuff and cleanly took my ball off the green end put it on the correct fairway.

Now, for the next time I do believe I will be snussing some Gotlands Gul los as I am sure it will help improve my score and keep me from doing what I did many times yesterday as illustrated by the video in the following link.