Snus and Sickness


  • Monkey
    started a blog post Snus and Sickness

    Snus and Sickness

    I'm sick.

    I usually get really sick twice a year with minor colds brought home by the kids randomly between these "big" sicks (sweet, aren't they?). This is a big one and I'm feeling pretty lousy with no end in sight and the glass is half empty.

    There's good news though....

    It is not nearly as bad as when I smoked.

    There's bad news too...

    Snus bothers my sore throat.

    Don't worry, I'm sucking it up and still losing like a champ. My mini sterks are the worst. Also, every little bit of los that I swallow is a fiery pitchfork of doom sent from Satan herself to torture me into submission.

    Guess what?

    I have a sinus infection and can hardly snuff. I'm stuffed up and feel guilty trying to snuff but the Hedges WAS invented by a doctor in Birmingham and IS Medicated so...

    I don't feel so bad about that one.

    So, what snus goes well with sick?

    I am sure vomiting is a no snus kinda sick. Diarrhea goes with Thunder Frosted and coffee. Tea seems to go well with any bergamot/citrus snus so far so that will take care of flu, colds and viruses. Probe Whiskey will help if you use the "Grandpa's cough syrup" method to nurse yourself back to health.

    I like a nice pris of Gotlands Gul los with my weak tea and Penicillin. It goes quite well, doesn't bother the throat as much and is a fine example of snus.* I am not a fan of smoke or mint snus when I am sick, although a nice Thunder Frosted Mini does go well with a menthol cough drop. I got some Gotlands Anis portions, and I think they'd go well with sick but I'm holding out on the hope of trading them for los. Actually, f*** it. I'm getting one and taking my post down. I'll chime in whenever I wake from my NyQuil coma.

    Any-hoo, being sick sucks and I am sure I will be well again soon, only to get sick again (half empty). If you are sick, get better soon. If not, it's only a matter of time. Mwuah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

    *I do love the Gotlandssnus Gul Los and if I were to ever get married again, it would be to this snus.

    I don't care that it burns when I put my pee pee into it.

    I said the same thing about my ex-wife.


    • Darwin
      Darwin commented
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      Perhaps we need Vick's VapoRub flavored snus.

    • danielan
      danielan commented
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      Portion or los?

    • Monkey
      Monkey commented
      Editing a comment
      Thanks Dog.

      Los so you could spread it all over your chest.
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