Ahh, the dilemma, should I use a tool or should I handbake my lös...

First things first. I am mostly (90%) a loser...and a löser. I use it everywhere and as soon as they make Jak's wintergreen and Gotlands Flader in los I will never need another portion. I don't hate portions, I just don't prefer them.

When i first started using lös, which was early on in my snussing career, I had my fingers and a Prismaster. I liked baking but I was trying to figure out the tool. A plastic, large pris making device that was easy to use and made me quickly learn to bake. I am not a fan of the prismaster, even turned around to make a smaller pris. It is not my cup of whiskey (you may say tea but I prefer whiskey so I used whiskey. And yes, I drink it out of a cup. A big one.).

I have never used a ghetto tool so comparison is out on that one. I went right out (to the internet) and got the big daddy instead. Well, the small big daddy. The umm....

The 3ml stainless steel Icetool.

Oh I love it.... It is shiny, and heavy and cold...like my ex wife. It is also made of steel and can be used to open beer bottles, hold an elevator door, fix a carburetor, make one unresistable to the opposite sex, save the earth, stop the deforestation of the rain forest, help you lose weight, save the whales, teach the world to sing and call Chuck Norris in an emergency.*

Out of all of the things it can do, the one thing it does best is it makes a perfect pris. I love the pris of an Icetool. It is a uniform pris and it places it in the lip and keeps your hands clean (and your pants clean if you are a slob like me) and you can portion your snus perfectly every time and...and...and...

And I kinda got tired of using it.

No real reason. Just stopped using it one day. It works fine and I would never get rid of it because I still use it every now and then. It doesn't leave my house, and it hardly leaves my desk but I have this strange love for it that makes me keep it.

I am predominately a hand baker. Just preference. I used the Icetool to learn the size of the amount I like to use and "trained my fingers" to only pinch that amount. Since I started to quit smoking with dip, I had to learn to pinch a whole lot less tobacco then I went for it. I use the two finger method when being discreet. I pinch, gently and quickly compress it between my thumbs and index fingers and put it in place. Other times I hillbilly.

I like to get my fingers into it and play with it a little before I stick it in. I like to get dirty and covered in the juice that comes flowing out when I gently pinch it. It is so satisfying....

The los, of course. Of course.

*your results may vary...Chuck Norris whistle attachment sold separately