An open letter to snus...


  • Monkey
    started a blog post An open letter to snus...

    An open letter to snus...

    Dear Snus,

    Thank you for helping me quit smoking and being my choice of smokeless tobacco. If it were not for you, I am sure the lady in seat 27D who is an adult and is kicking my seat as we sit here on delay, would surely be dead.

    Thank you for allowing me to manage my habit within an airplane without offending any one else. (And allowing me to whip a gob of los at the lady in 27D.)

    Thank you for keeping me cool while the kids scream and yell.

    And thank you for ensuring I did not do anything but laugh when my son screamed during take off (on the way up to NY) "OH MY GOD THE PLANE IS GOING TO CRASH!!!" and got everyone on the plane all crazy.

    I'd also like to give a shout out to my buddy snuff who completely got rid of the pre flight jitters and also freaked out the lady behind me in line for secutity and alerted the TSA I was sniffing brown powders in line. They knew what it was when they smelled the menthol.

    In closing, thank you smokeless, spitless tobacco. I love you.



    • Roo
      Roo commented
      Editing a comment
      Nice Mike! Snus on a plane treats you right, especially when the hairy bastard in seat 26D is throwing gobs of it at you.

    • SnusoMatic
      SnusoMatic commented
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      i used to fly more often than i do now but back then i smoked camel non filters. in case you never been hooked on them it's not the same as being hooked on lights or even regulars.

      i made "efforts" to quit smoking but never was able to quit. one day i was flying to LA or Vegas, i can't remember for sure which it was. I got stuck in Dallas I think it was but whereever it was did not allow any smoking at all in the airport.

      I was there forever it seemed. I went from wishing I could smoke one to feeling like my eyeballs had doubled in size and was about to squirt whatever is in eyeballs all over the place. I was considering to just chew a cig up to see if it would help.

      I ended up coming up with a plan on how to smoke and not get caught. so what i would do is wait for a plane to arrive. When that rush of people would come off the plane I would be ready and waiting by the bathroom. When all those people would start to go in the bathroom I was the first one in. I would go into a stall and smoke like I was back in high school, waving the cig around and blowing smoke into my waving hand to try and avoid the smoke stack syndrome coming out of the stall.

      I knew people in there would know someone was smoking and maybe who but I only took a few hits and got out fast. The general idea was I figured anyone who mattered would think it was some dummy coming off the plane. that he had waited on a cig as long as they could. I figured by the time anyone who mattered smelled it I would be long gone and if anyone got nailed, well it would be someone besides me haha.

      It worked because I never got caught but if you figure on trying this out just make sure you move around the airport and not stay in one bathroom. Oh and be fast about it too. Don't kid yourself into thinking you can smoke a whole one haha.

      Anyway, it was that very day that I made up my mind that some how, some way I was quitting and I did.
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