I love Snuson.
Not in that brotherly or neighborly kind of way. I'm here for a long term commitment; flowers every night, sweet love by the computer monitor, Luther Vandross in the background... The kind of relationship where I can stick my tongue in your mouth in front of your parents or let you tie me up and beat me with a bull whip without a safety word. I owe you for being here.
A little backstory.
I was an unrepentant smoker before I met you. I didn't know about harm reduction or spotless tobacco. I needed a guide, a place to go with information and support for my new quest with people totally different from all over the world (mostly) getting along and united in one goal... to stop smoking for good without killing someone.
I had tried alone. Cold turkey, cold turkey sandwiches, the patch, dipi, dissolving tablets, prescriptions, guilt, accupuncture, crying myself to sleep, a neverending cough and hypnosis.
Nothing had worked and I needed to use my Google-Fu.
Behold the wonder of Snuson.
Within these forums, I found all I needed to switch from cigarettes to snus. Information, product reviews and, most importantly, support. No question asked too many times, no worry too small, the Snuson family took me in and helped guide me in my harm reduction journey. Whether it is a discussion on which is better los or portions, welcoming and helping a noob on the beginning of their journey, or debating aliens and wet shaving, without the support of the Snuson family I would certainly still be smoking.
The other joy I found that day almost two years ago was the joy of snus. All snus is wonderful (even Elixyr has fans) but one that stands out for me is Ettan.
At first I thought it was crap to be honest. As I progressed and my tastes have changed I find myself going for the classic flavors and when speaking of classics, Ettan is the one. It is fitting that Ettan be released in its classic packaging, done in a way that it has not been in a long time. I bet it is delicious.
Snuson, look deep into my eyes...I would wear your sweater all through out my senior year, take a zombie bite for you, jump through a wall of flaming spiders with bowie knives so you don't have to, spend time with your crazy aunt (the one that was on the news with all of the cats), tell you when you have a booger and, I'm not just saying this, you don't look fat in that new theme.
Now if you will excuse me I have a can of Ettan to molest.
Snuson and Ettan Love
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I never read this until I got that oh so nice PM. :P
I didn't see this link in the thread. wtf?
Good shit man!
Excuse me...