Los at Work Challenge....Part Deux


  • Monkey
    started a blog post Los at Work Challenge....Part Deux

    Los at Work Challenge....Part Deux

    I love los...and haven't had the bal...cajones to use it there since I got moved.

    My position at work got shifted around and now I am back in a kitchen full time. It was a lateral and all is good....but I have been using mostly portions.

    Using "tampon" snus...with a string attached...in order to not have an icky mess in the heat of battle has not been totally satisfying. I am sure my fellow losers can agree.

    Don't tell anyone...I took some los to work today. It was a rush...it felt like the first time I saw German hardcore porn...awesome and completely wrong...but awesome.

    This is the second time I took los to this new position and the last time I only had one pris on my lunch break...and hid the whole time. Scared sh...poopless.

    It gets more stressful. My current manager caught me dipping once outside of work before I turned to snus like two years ago and ALWAYS stares at the snus can ring in my pants...or my junk...I can not tell...but never looks at my top lip. She always checks the bottom or the cheek (face you pervert) and never sees anything there so we never had an awkward conversation.

    But I wanted some los today and dammit I had some.

    I took Phantom classic and had no issues whatsoever....except for removal. I had to run and hide to remove a few and I even ate one...which I NEVER do.

    All in all...except for the anxiety....it was cool.

    Now I do not plan on making this a habit at work because it is stressful enough there without having to worry about poo sliding down my teeth....but it was an adventure...and the sturdiness of the Phantom helped greatly. A pris of that can support the weight of a 88 Honda Civic is always an asset in this situation.

    Will I be taking los to work again?


    But sometimes it is better to have a tampon in....especially when wearing a white dress.

    • Kstolen23
      Kstolen23 commented
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      '...it felt like the first time I saw German hardcore porn...awesome and completely wrong...but awesome.'

      Pure genious man, do you mind if I use it on ma FB page and claim it as ma own? Only kidding.

      I guess portion is your best bet, even if you're allowed los. It's faster to use a portion and remove it while working and I know that in your line of work, at times you cant afford to sit down and make the perfect prilla. It sucks that you cant use your beloved Los but remember not all portions are evil. And by using portions, when it comes to your break, or when you get home it makes the los that much more enjoyable.

    • precious007
      precious007 commented
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      loved the article ....... and your courage to go with los at work :^)

      but wait ....... what's wrong with los snus when working in a kitchen.... you don't spit snus in the food or something....

      I'd still go with portions though ..... when I laugh with los snus in .... you can clearly see all the mud above my teeth .....

      :^) so it's not the best idea......

    • Monkey
      Monkey commented
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      Not sure why I see it as taboo..I worked for a chef that dipped and you would never know when he had one in. Taught me to not spit dip when I tried quitting smoking a long while back....that time didn't take.
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