Apology and Snus Brand Loyalty


  • Monkey
    started a blog post Apology and Snus Brand Loyalty

    Apology and Snus Brand Loyalty

    I am sorry snuson.

    Let me tell the tale of woe.....and how weird I can be.

    I am a pretty loyal follower.

    You make a snus I like and I will buy it.

    You stop making a snus I like, I will find another.

    Well kids, (and I mean adults the proper age to view tobacco related musings when I say kids) I have found my new regular.

    Odens los.

    I was hesitant....any unwilling to accept the new Odens. I did not sign up for free samples nor did I buy some as soon as it hit the stores. I didn't hop in the new threads too much and really, as the James Dean type I am, (sexy and a little dangerous but you would take me home and we'd wind up in a four way with your mom and older sister) I shunned the masses and silently called them all sheep.


    Yeah....I'm a hateful son of a b!t¢h.


    I was hoping, waiting for my favorite snus to return in another form.....foolishly, like Linus waits for the Great Pumpkin.....arrrgggh FÜÇK!!


    Yeah....I have had my snups and downs....especially with a freezer that can only hold so much.....but I am Benedict Arnoldi?ng my snus loyalty.


    I now no longer feel any guilt.

    Is it all in my head?

    Yeah....but now after tasting the truth of what is.....Odens Extreme los is suddenly my number one snus.

    Next time someone yells this snus is awesome and so are the people who make it! Or free whiskey!!!! Or free pussy!!!!!! I will try not to be too cool to go running after it.

    Today is the day of the old bonds of loyalty to be broken and new, stronger ones to be forged.

    I feel happy now. Thank you GN.....you made the rest of my snusing career.

    This confession has been brought to you by the number 1, Odens Extreme los and the lack of any other company to make a los for production that can meet the bar that GN has set so high.

    • lxskllr
      lxskllr commented
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      I hear ya. The Odens Extreme lös is pretty damned awesome. My only complaint is the strength. I have to be very careful with the amount I use, or it kicks my ass. GN has gotten my attention, but I'm not /quite/ ready to switch flags yet; there's still (damned little)hope.

      GN is the first snus company I've been enthused about for awhile. Pioneer is interesting also, but they only have the 1 product. It seems like the sky's the limit with GN, and there's no telling what they'll come out with. First rate snus, awesome customer response, and a pretty cool company spokesman :^)

    • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
      GN Tobacco Sweden AB commented
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      My Dear Freand and brother Monkey it is our duty to make you as snus user to like our produkt , i am happiest person That you liked it ))))))))) Thank you )))) And if you did not liked any of Odens before then it is simply Becouse We where bed )))))
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