Quitting with smokeless Tobacco


  • olderthandirt
    started a blog post Quitting with smokeless Tobacco

    Quitting with smokeless Tobacco

    After having smoked for 35 years, 25+ cigs a day, RYO for last 10 years, I made my most earnest attempt to stop smoking by using an e-cig in February of 09.

    After about 7 days with the little electronic wonder I was down to about 1 or 2 smokes a week, some weeks none at all.

    Threads that dealt with smokeless tobacco on another forum I frequented caught my attention with talk of snus.
    As I couldn't completely get away from the NEED for a smoke I tried the Camel SNUS products the first part of Oct.09, got my first Swedish snus in mid October.

    I went for three months without even thinking of a smoke. I added Snuff to the mix in November 09 and I've been a happy resident in the smokeless side of things since.

    I have had a few smokes in the past couple of months, 4 perhaps, but I actually enjoyed them rather than needed them. Roll one up, relish the flavor and feel of the first 3 or 4 drags and then put it out in preference of the taste and effect of a snus.
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