Snuff That Rocks


  • olderthandirt
    started a blog post Snuff That Rocks

    Snuff That Rocks

    So here are the snuffs that I use on a regular basis. I do have a hell of lot more than this in my collection but the following are the ones I use most often.

    Wilsons of Sharrow Irish D High Toast #20
    Wilsons of Sharrow Grand Cairo
    Wilsons of Sharrow Gold Label
    Wilsons of Sharrow Chocolate/Orange
    Wilsons of Sharrow Best Dark
    Wilsons of Sharrow Honey Menthol

    de Kralingse Macuba
    de Kralingse Chococrème
    de Kralingse Latakia Ao 1860
    de Kralingse A/P Snuif
    de Kralingse Chococreme-L

    Samuel Gawith SP Scotch

    Toque Spanish Gem
    Toque St Clements
    Toque SP Extra
    Toque Berwick Brown
    Toque Lime Toast
    Toque Chocolate
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