I'm pleased to see that the praise for Northerner's fast shipping was no exaggeration. The Northerner order was shipped 2 days later than the other one, but they arrived together. Nevertheless, the PremiumSnus order only took a week, and that's still pretty good for shipping from Europe to the middle of the US.
What I'd like to do with this thread is to share some of my experiences and observations as a brand new snuser, including first impressions of the brands I'll be sampling. I'm not going to call them reviews, as I think "review" implies that it's from someone who has an educated palate. If there's enough interest in my ramblings, I may expand this thread into a blog, so please give your feedback.
For starting thoughts -- I'm already discovering that snusing is quickly becoming my preferred method of nicotine delivery. It can't be beat for convenience and location-friendliness. I don't have to interrupt anything I'm doing or go to a designated spot. I just pop in a portion, and I'm good to go. I'm still smoking a few ciggys -- I think I've had about 5 or 6 today -- but that's more out of habit than anything else. And I plan to continue pipe smoking once the ciggys are gone, but there are a number of other reasons to enjoy a good pipe besides nicotine.
I've already sampled a couple of new brands today, but I'm still putting my thoughts together about them. I'll post an update to this thread soon with my impressions on those, and more updates as I try more brands. Meanwhile, let me know what you think so far.