The one thing I am definitely not digging about snus is that ammonia smell many brands have. It's not terribly strong, but it doesn't have to be -- a little ammonia goes a long way. It's not really a problem at home, but I don't want to leave the house carrying a strong-smelling snus and have people wonder if I've been rolling around in my cat's litter box or something. Maybe I'll just have to be picky about what brands I carry.

OTOH, I've only smoked 3 cigarettes today, and no desire for more. That's pretty freakin' amazing.

Another first impression...

Göteborg’s Rapé White

Being someone who can't tolerate the smell of gin, let alone the taste, I was prepared to hate this one because of the juniper. But I was pleasantly surprised, and I'm glad I didn't let my preconceptions stop me from trying it. The primary flavor is lemon, with faint juniper notes adding only a tasty herbal backdrop. Of course there's the tea-lemon/bergamot-smoke-salt-pepper flavor combo that I gather is the General "signature taste", but here it's much milder than in General Original White, and that's much more to my liking. Nice nic hit, too. I'll probably try to keep at least a couple of cans around, and now I'm eager to try GR #2, as well.

What the heck, I might as well add...

Röda Lacket

Another tasty SM product, and another keeper. Take everything I said about GR #1 above, and substitute "berry" every time you see "juniper". (Except I've always liked berries.) I wouldn't mind at all if this had a little more berry flavor, but it's alright as it is. Plus I really love the look of the can label -- very elegant. The bold red, black and gold design reminds me of something you might find in a Chinese emperor's court centuries ago.

More to come...