Snus acrobatics... and Respect the Snus!


  • PipenSnus
    started a blog post Snus acrobatics... and Respect the Snus!

    Snus acrobatics... and Respect the Snus!

    I'm starting to get better at simply popping a portion into my mouth and nonchalantly moving it into place with my tongue. I still have my awkward moments where I have to use a fingertip or two to adjust it, but I'm sure I'll be getting lots more practice. And if anyone's noticed a lump in my lip, they haven't said anything about it. If they did notice, they probably assumed it was gum or a breath mint.

    Today's first impression has an alternate title: "Respect the Snus!"...

    Thunder Berry Blend

    Remember those old cartoons from less politically correct times, when a character would down a shot of booze? His face would go red, his hat flew off, his eyes bugged out and the pupils started spinning around, and steam would burst from his ears with the sound of a train whistle? Well, that's about how I felt when I had my first taste of TBB. Hot damn, that's a lot of nicotine! There was a three-alarm blaze in the back of my throat, my eyes started watering, and although I didn't have a mirror handy, I'm quite sure my face was red. For a minute or two, I wondered if I had gotten more than I'd bargained for, but I braved it out.

    But don't get me wrong -- that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy TBB. Once I found all the pieces of my skull and reassembled them, I noticed that this snus does indeed have a delicious flavor of mixed berries. I agree with others as to the composition -- I taste primarily strawberry, blueberry and raspberry. There may be another berry or two hiding in there somewhere as well. And it tastes like fresh berries -- not like that imitation berry flavoring they use in some chewing gums and candies. But the nicotine blast is serious. I'm not saying that I won't enjoy the rest of the can, but I have a feeling it will take me twice as long to use up this can as compared to any other brand, simply because there aren't that many times I'm in need of that big a jolt. But I can see TBB and other ES snuses coming in handy from time to time.

    • Mr. Snuffleupagus
      Mr. Snuffleupagus commented
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      Originally posted by PipenSnus;bt207
      OK, you talked my into giving it a shot, at least. I'm going to tack on a can of Röda Lacket lös and a Prismaster to my next order. Yeah, I could easily make a ghetto tool, but what the heck, a Prismaster is only $2. Minimal investment.
      LOL! Brings back memories. I NEVER thought I'd like loose but gave it a shot. Bought one can of roda + prismaster (just like you). Fell in love and spent 2 weeks waiting for my next order with more loose. Looselessness sucks if you get hooked. Get a few more if you can swing it just in case.

      Like the blog!

    • Darwin
      Darwin commented
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      Yeah throw in a can of Ettan and Grov in that next order. The range from Roda to Ettan to Grov will give you a good range of grinds, from very fine to slightly coarse, to compare and contrast.

      Yeah the prismaster works okay but be advised it makes a somewhat fat pris---didn't agree with my particular lip architecture. Of course I only tried it out yesterday so that assessment may be a bit premature.

    • PipenSnus
      PipenSnus commented
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      OK, the order has been placed, but I changed my mind on what brands of lös. I'm getting one can of Göteborg’s Rapé lös, and one can of Knox lös. Figured I ought to start with flavors I already know I like. I like Röda Lacket, but not as much as I like Göteborg’s Rapé. Haven't tried Knox yet, but I hear it's got the same flavorings as Skruf, so that's OK. I also got an urge to play mad scientist and ordered a bucket of SnusX and some flavorings. Thought it was a good way to stock up without committing myself to a brand I might lose my taste for later.
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