SnusX first experiment: results


  • PipenSnus
    started a blog post SnusX first experiment: results

    SnusX first experiment: results

    If you've been following this blog, you know that I started 2 SnusX cans on Saturday: orange and cherry cola flavors. The executive summary? Not bad at all for a first attempt, but the recipes need a little tweaking.

    With both cans, it looks like moisture and flavorings didn't get evenly distributed, despite my efforts in shaking the cans daily. The portions have a mottled appearance. However, both cans had pleasant aromas when I opened them. The portion material is soft and comfortable. The tobacco itself has a mild flavor with just a touch of bitterness, but not enough to be unpleasant. In fact, the amount of bitterness is just right for my palate. But it's something I need to account for when mixing flavors for future cans.

    I tried the cherry cola first. It does indeed taste like cherry cola, but the flavor is a little too mild. The portions seem to deliver an adequate dose of nicotine, I'd guess them to be right around the 8 mg mark. The flavor does seem to last, although I haven't yet tested how long. I only kept the cherry cola portion in for about 30-40 minutes. It still had flavor when I removed it.

    A pause for dinner, and then I had an orange portion for dessert. This one came out a little better than the cherry cola, although the flavor is still on the mild side. But I think the orange blends better with the tobacco flavors.

    Lessons for next time: I think I'm going to increase the flavorings to 18-20 drops, and the water to 10 ml. I also found a little spray bottle that I'd forgotten I had (sometimes being a pack rat pays off ). For the next experiment I'm going to lay the portions out on a plate and spray them with the flavored water, turning them to cover both sides. That should take care of distributing the moisture/flavor evenly.

    I want to get a few more flavoring extracts, but only a few. Some ideas for future flavors: cafe amaretto (coffee + almond), lemon/peppermint, mojito (spearmint + lime), and bourbon ball (chocolate + bourbon, perhaps w/ a drop of vanilla). And I'm also going to get some Rapp flavoring and try making my own version of Göteborg’s Rapé. But I probably won't start any more cans right away. I've got too many open cans right now as it is.

    • timholian
      timholian commented
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      What about injecting the flavor and water directly into the center of the portion, then seal it and use the "shake the can" method?

    • Experimental Monkey
      Experimental Monkey commented
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      Interesting. Keep us updated, Pipensnus! Few questions, though: does the kit come with a empty can? I see the SnusX cans for sale on Northerner listed as "extra" cans. And you're planning on doing 15 to 20 drops of flavor PLUS 10 ml of water?

    • PipenSnus
      PipenSnus commented
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      @timholian -- Not a bad idea. If the spray bottle doesn't produce good results, I may try that next.

      @Experimental Monkey -- Yes, there's an empty can in the kit. I'm using it plus recycling the brand-name cans I'm emptying. And yes, I'm planning on 18-20 drops of flavoring AND 10 ml of water. The first batch was a little dry. If the next is too moist, well, then I know the right amount has to be in between. And the difference between the two can't be more than 2 ml.
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