Adventures with lös, part 2: the Prismaster


  • PipenSnus
    started a blog post Adventures with lös, part 2: the Prismaster

    Adventures with lös, part 2: the Prismaster

    The Prismaster that GetSnus forgot to include in a previous order arrived today. They included a free can of Onico Peppermint as an apology gesture, which was nice of them. But nicotine-free snus? Isn't that a bit like orgasm-free sex? At any rate, it's a very attractive can.

    Despite being a very simple-looking, inexpensive molded plastic gizmo, the Prismaster does the job, if somewhat inelegantly. To christen it, I decided I would open my can of Knox lös. It was very easy to form and insert a pris with the Prismaster. It creates a well-compacted pris, much better than I could make with my very meager handbaking skills. But, as many others have noted, it's a very large pris, and there's no way to adjust the size. Nevertheless, I'm glad I have one now, even if I will probably will prefer to use a ghetto tool once my syringes arrive. And I think I'm beginning to see an Icetool in my future...

    And since I've been talking about Knox lös, I might as well give you my first impression...

    Knox lös

    Like the portions, this has a mellower flavor than it's big brother Skruf. When I opened the can, a rich aroma of bergamot and rose oil drifted out, but there are only mild touches of those flavors in the pris, with the bergamot predominating. Mostly what I taste is a good, middle-of-the-road, full bodied tobacco, with only a bit of salt. The longer I leave the pris in, the more spicy, peppery notes come to the forefront. Very enjoyable -- a "kick back and relax" snus.

    • lxskllr
      lxskllr commented
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      Reverse the plunger in the Prismaster to make a smaller pris. It isn't a tremendous difference, but I prefer it to stock.

    • Snusdog
      Snusdog commented
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      From the Dipper's Guide (page 7) Link

      Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
      How to Use a Prismaster
      The key is to keep the pris small at first (about 2/3 the size of a regular portion) and work up from there.

      When using a Prismaster, just don't load it to capacity- put your thumb on the slide and keep it about 2/3 of the way down when you are loading it. Pack it in good and compress it on the lid of the can by putting the open end of the prismaster on the lid and pressing down on the slide.

      You can adjust the size of the pris in this way and find what works best for you.

    • PipenSnus
      PipenSnus commented
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      Thanks for the advice, it's quite helpful.
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