They claim my original complaint ended up in their spam folder. A plausible assertion, but I wonder why they didn't have their spam filter set to accept all e-mails generated by their Contact page. Seems to me that a competent webmaster would have taken care of that. But they seem genuinely sorry for the mistake, practically begged me to do business with them again, and told me they're tossing in a few free cans as an apology. Of course I have to wonder if my complaints about their customer service in this blog and on the main board have anything to do with their prompt response to my second inquiry.

Hopefully, everyone learned something from this experience. I hope SnusCentral/BuySnus learned to be more attentive to customer needs. I learned that polite but strongly worded complaints get prompt results. And I hope you, dear reader, learned that the snus vendors seeking business from US customers really do want to keep you happy, if you didn't know that already. After all, they're in business to make a profit, and happy customers buy more, and more often.
Time for another first impression...
Ettan OP
I can see why this brand has been around for so long. It's a real chameleon of a snus, changing flavor the longer you keep the portion in. At first I get a whisper of dark chocolate, along with that buttery taste. After a few minutes that gets replaced by a smoky flavor, which predominates for the next 15-20 minutes, with the butter in the background. Every once in a while a hint of the chocolate comes back, and then there's a delicious buttery finish. It's no surprise that this brand has been a favorite of working-class Swedes, but that doesn't mean that they're the only ones who can enjoy it. Comfortable and relaxing. I think I'll be buying more of this.
I smell Bullsh1t. I just want my roll of General Maxi that I paid for a month ago.
Glad to hear your got it straightened out. The story does seem a bit bogus. I mean - if it's happened before, wouldn't you go through your SPAM folder at least daily?