SnusX experiments, round 2


  • PipenSnus
    started a blog post SnusX experiments, round 2

    SnusX experiments, round 2

    I hadn't planned to make any more SnusX for a while, but I was itching to try some of the recipe ideas I've been thinking up. So I decided to make just one can this time. Flavor: mocha (coffee + chocolate, with just a drop or two of vanilla).

    So I got out the flavorings, 10 ml syringe, spray bottle, Aquafina, eyedropper, and the portions. I laid out the portions on a plate in a 4 x 6 pattern, put Aquafina in the spray bottle, followed by drops of flavoring, and shook the bottle up well to mix the flavors. The formula: 10 ml water, 10 drops chocolate flavoring, 8 drops coffee flavoring, and 2 drops vanilla extract.

    Using a spray bottle to distribute the flavored water is definitely the way to go. I could easily see how much moisture each and every portion was getting. After I misted one side of the portions, I turned them all over and did the same for the other side. The bottle was almost empty when I got through misting all the portions on both sides. I poured the few remaining drops of the flavoring solution in the bottom of the emply Skruf can I recycled to hold this batch. It was almost a little too much moisture, but I figure the portions will dry out a little during their 3 days in the fridge.

    I have to say, the aroma that filled the room while I was spraying the portions was nothing short of heavenly. I have high hopes for this batch. I'll let you know how it turned out in a few days.

    A first impression...

    Grov OP

    In the category of great working-class snuses, if Ettan is the perfect snus for say, an auto mechanic, then Grov would be what you would find in the pocket of a lumberjack. The two have similar flavors, but Grov is bolder, smokier, and has more of a pleasant bitterness. It definitely has a rustic character, and is not for wimps. A good beer-drinking snus, as it blends well with the hops. It probably won't be an everyday snus for me, but I can see there will be times when nothing else will do, so I'll likely keep a can or two on hand.

    • danielan
      danielan commented
      Editing a comment
      It was almost a little too much moisture, but I figure the portions will dry out a little during their 3 days in the fridge.
      Yea, 10ml for 24 portions leaves them a bit wet and gross for about 1 night. They are usable the second night and about right on the third. After about a week they are almost too dry.

      I'm cutting down to making one can of SnusX at a time so the moisture is less of an issue. It's probably worth noting that even though the instructions include directions to make the whole bucket at once, unless you are holding a snus party, this might not be a great idea.
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