From the depths of the SnusX laboratory comes a maniacal cackle: "It's alive... IT'S ALIVE!!!"

I'm happy to report that my latest SnusX experiment is a success. I don't suppose it's any secret that my mocha recipe was an attempt to re-create the now-departed Offroad Coffee/Vanilla. What I came up with isn't quite as good as the original, but it's close. Very close.
Unlike the first batch, the portions look evenly colored. Moisture level and texture of the portion material seems close to perfect. Flavor is spot on, with both the chocolate and coffee easily distinguishable, but blended in perfect harmony. It's not as richly flavored as the Offroad, but otherwise I think one would be hard-pressed to tell the difference. And the flavor lasts a good hour.
I'm definitely going to have to make up another can of this and include it in Noob Box Pass III, when it comes time to start that box pass. It's well worth sharing with my fellow snusers.
I think I'll try some lime mixtures in the next round of experiments. Ginger/lime and mojito are on the list of ideas. And maybe a couple more coffee blends -- cafe amaretto and cafe Vienna (coffee & cinnamon).
A first impression to close out this entry...
Skruf Tranbär OP
Mmm. Tasty. Nice combo of sweet cranberry and the rose oil/bergamot signature taste of Skruf products. Good blend of sweet/sour/salty flavors. Add in the slightly higher nic hit of Skruf, and it adds up to a winner. They should make a sterk version of this.
Nic hit seems about average for a regular portion. I'm not really interested in cranking up the nic level, though, so I'll leave that experiment to another SnusX mad scientist.
Which flavors (vendor) did you use?
Coffee flavoring was from SnusX, chocolate from Faerie's Finest, vanilla extract from Kroger.